Pansy and draco's breakup in like second year

"Hey Pansy" Draco says walking up to her

"Oh. Hey Draco" Pansy crosses her arms

"What's wrong?" He asks

"I think we should break up." Pansy says looking at him with pursed lips

"Oh. Why?"

"Im sorry, it's just that your hair is too white." She shrugs

"You're breaking up with me because I'm too.. blonde?" He questions

"I guess so. Anyways I have class in a few minutes so I'll see you I guess" and with that she skips off, catching up to y/n so she could tell her about the crazy dramatic breakup she and Draco had just had.

"Yeah and after I said that he started crying!" She laughs

"Did he really?!" Y/n giggled too

"No, but he probably was about to" Pansy shrugs and they both continue laughing and talking until they got to class.

This ones for @Nobody080308 and @851m17 thanks for the suggestions ;)
