Chapter five: he did something...

"Oh I'll do something" he says smirking

My heart was racing at this point

He takes my waist and spins me around pinning me against the wall right next to the door

"How's this for doing something?" He says lightly choking me keeping me pinned and smashing our lips together

I dropped the empty potion bottle into the floor and put my arms around his neck and playing with his hair a little

His lips are so soft and he tastes so good
He took his hand off my neck and started kissing it It felt so good

All of it..

but reality struck me "Wait Matteo"

"What's wrong?" He said

"I really like you." I tell him

"Good" he says smiling and kissing me again softer this time

"But I can't do this" I say
"Not here and not now I'm sorry" I say

"Oh" he says taking his hands off me and stepping back


"Well we should probably get back to the others"

"Matteo please let me explain!" I say but he already left bumping into Pansy on his way out "oh hey matt- um ok"

"Shit" I say to myself

"Oh hey Pansy" I say quickly wiping away a tear before she sees it as she walks in

"What's his problem?" She says looking back

"Dunno we were um just in here to get the hangover potion and he just randomly got pissed at who knows what" I say nervously

"Um ok" she says suspiciously "then why is the potion on the floor hmm?" She asked raising an eyebrow

Because I just made out with Matteo stupid. "oh I just dropped it by accident, you know how clumsy I get" I say

"Alright well where are the potions my head is pounding" Pansy said still somewhat suspiciously

"In the cabinet's under the sink in the bathroom"
I say

"Thank you" Pansy says walking over to the bathroom while I pick up the empty bottle
Sorry the chapters are kinda short but I'm trying to upload new chapters as quickly as possible and I hope your enjoying

Also if your reading this what are your pronouns? Mine are she/they/he

And if your homophobic please leave because we support and respect lgbtqia+ here thank you <33

