Chapter forty one

Ok so since you guys absolutely hated the dress I picked for the yule ball, I changed it so I hope you like it now :) oh and also please shut up about my spelling mistakes it really doesn't help anything or anyone and it also takes away my motivation to write new chapters so I write them a lot slower so just please stop thank you <33

"I have no daughter." and with that he left.

I look back at y/n who was looking at the door in shock

A tear falls down her cheek and she falls on the ground unconscious

"Shit y/n." I get down on my knees and pick her up bridal style and bring her to Malfoy Manor

I changed it a little for those of you who read it before

*time skip*

I sit up and look around at the familiar surroundings "Mattheo?"

He stands up and puts out the cigarette he was holding, walking over to my bedside "y/n you're awake"

"I am. wait are we in-

"Malfoy mannor? Yeah.. I took you here after you passed out."

"Oh yeah how long was I out for?"

"Not long, we pretty much just got here. How are you feeling?" He asks

"My stomach and head hurt. But other then that I'm fine."

"Good" he smiles and kisses me lightly

"But how'd you convince lucious to let me stay?"

"Oh I didn't. But like I've said before, I'm a Riddle, I can do whatever I want." I smile and kiss him again before flinching away at the sudden pain in my stomach

"Woah you ok?" Mattheo asks

"Fine, I think I just need to lay back down" I say and
I lay back down

"Alright get some rest love I'll see you later." He gets up to go but I stop him "no staaay" I whine

"Fine. But only for a little"

"Ok :)" I smile and he comes into the bed with me

I turn around to face him and brushed a piece of hair out of my face before kissing my forehead and pulling me into his chest

I fell asleep pretty quickly after that

I'm really sorry it took so long to write this but here you go I hope you enjoy <33
