Chapter twenty two: Whatever

*a few days later*
Y/n's POV:

I had been avoiding Matteo the past few days but he had been doing the opposite

Like on the small occasion that he would actually see me in the halls or something he would come up to me and try to talk or apologize but I would just ignore him

"Are you and Matteo still fighting?" Pansy says all the sudden

I nod "I've just been avoiding him"

"Why did you guys even get into a fight?"

"Because he knew there was a chance Cedric would die and he didn't tell me and his father is the one who killed him" Kaa went up against my face a little trying to calm me down and it kind of worked because she's literally adorable


"Yeah whatever" I say rolling my eyes and walking out of my dorm to see Mattheo and Theo in the common room

"Well shit." I mutter to myself


"Mattheo I'm not in the mood right now" I say trying to walk out of the common room but Mattheo grabs my wrist pulling me upstairs into his dorm "let go of me I don't want to talk to you" I say trying to get out of his strong grip but failing miserably

"Please just let me explain" he says loosening his grip
"Two minutes" I say crossing my arms
"That's it?"
"Fine, one minute"
"Two minutes it is"
"Go on then"

"Well my father explained the plan during a meeting that I wasn't allowed to attend. Then during one of the meetings I was at he explained the plan again briefly so I didn't know exactly what was gonna happen but you know who did?"

"What?" I say surprised
"He was at both of the meetings so he knew"
"And what about Theo and Tom?" I ask
"Theo was being punished for getting suspended so he wasn't there but Tom was obviously since he's the favorite child and he was also there when Cedric was killed" Matteo says as quickly as possible so his time wouldn't run out
"What about Draco? Was he there?"
"He refused to come and instead just disappeared before the third task" Matteo says "but listen" he starts, putting his hands on my face so I'd be looking at him "you know I couldn't stop my father even if I tried. He's a stubborn man and all he wants is power so no matter what I would have said it wouldn't have mattered anyways-

"Times up."


"You had two minutes and your time is up." I say starting to walk away again

"Wait so that's it? Your just gonna walk away now?"



"Look, Cedric is dead it already happened." I say

"So your just gonna let this go? After all that?!"

"Mhm. What do you want me to do? Just sulk around for the rest of my life because a guy that I went out with like twice was murdered by the guys I like currently's father? Because if you think I'm gonna-

I was cut off by Matteo's lips pressing hardly against mine

"M-Matteo" I say before giving in to the kiss and kissing him back

After about two minutes he pulled away just enough so our lips were centimeters away from each other

"So you still like me huh?" He says

"Well, that's going a little far-

He kisses me again and i a smile slightly
"You're smiling" he teases

"Shut up and keep kissing me"

"Anything for you princess"

"I'm still mad at you y'know"

"I know."

Hey sorry I know this chapter is kinda shit and it's also really short but I'm just running out of ideas lmao so if you have any you can lemme know

Kk thanks love you guys <33
