Chapter forty five

Pansys pov:

I wake up to the sound of someone throwing up I was curious so I got up and went to the bathroom where I saw y/n keeled over the toilet

"Oh my god y/n are you ok?" I walk into the bathroom and she looks up at me and shakes her head before throwing up again

I rush to hold her hair up while she continues wrenching

*time skip*

"I think you should just stay here and rest today, I could bring you your work if you want" I offer, still crouched down on the floor next to her

"No no I think I'm fi-

She throws up again

"Yeah ok maybe I'll stay Here today" she says weakly chuckling

"Ok" I smile softly "feel better, I love you"

"Love you too"

*time skip*

I was sitting in class just doodling in my notebook

"Hey" mattheo whispers
"Hey Pansy" he whispers again
"Hm?" I hum in response
"Where's y/n?"
"Not feeling well" I mouth
"Oh, is she ok?"
"I think so, she did seem pretty bad this morning tho. She was throwing up and stuff but I'm sure she'll be fine"
"Oh ok" he turns back to the front of the class

*time skip*
Mattheos pov:

Class had finally ended so I headed up to y/n's dorm

*knock knock*
No answer
I thought about knocking again but instead I just walked in


"Hm? Who's there?" She rolled over smiling and propping herself up slightly when she saw it was just me

"Oh mattheo"

"Yeah I heard you weren't feeling well today" I say crouching down by her bed

"Yeah well you heard right" she yawned

I chuckle lightly "I was thinking of sneaking off to hogsmeade later, do you want anything specific or?"

"No thank you" she closes her eyes and smiles

"Ok. I'll just get the usual chocolates and sweets" i smile and kiss her forehead

"Ugh you're the best thank you so much mattheo"

"Of course princess" I smile at her again "now get some more rest m'love" I kiss her hand before leaving the room

*time skip*
*a few days later*

Theodore's pov:

I had a stupid potions project and I had to do it on my own so I was forced to go to the library. Thank god I saw y/n sitting in the library studying, she usually does good in potions so I'll just ask her to help me. Or do the project for me, whichever comes first

"Hey y/n"

"Hm? Oh hey Theo" she says quickly hiding the book she was reading underneath another book

"Whatcha reading there?" I sit on the table and grab the book she was reading before

"Hey! I was reading that!" She try's to grab it from me but I stop her

"Ah ah ah, not until you tell me why your hiding a book from the restricted section"

"I- I just wanted to do better on the potions project." She finally grabs the book back but not before I catch a glimpse of the page that was bookmarked "thank you" she says "now you should probably get to reading as well if don't want to fail,

I open my mouth to ask her if she could do the project for me but she cuts me off before I say anything

"And before you ask me to do your project for you the answer if no so don't even try" she says while putting her books away

"Now I'm going back to my dorm to study, ever heard of it? If so I think you should do it cause we also have that test in DADA on Wednesday" she reminds me

"You know I won't" I smile. She chuckles to herself as she walks away

Now why would she need to read about a spell that can cover up anything for a stupid potions project?

I shrug and leave the library laughing at myself for even trying to study and prepare for classes.

So what do we think?
