Chapter eight: who are you going to the yule ball with?

The next day y/n was let out of the hospital wing

I was walking to one of my classes when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder

(C- Cedric Y- y/n)

C: hey
Y: oh hey, Cedric right?
C: yeah and your y/n correct?
Y: mhm so what's up
C: well I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go to the Yule ball with me
Y: umm I'll think about it
C: alright take your time then
He gave me a smile and walked away He's actually quite charming

"What was that all about??" Pansy asks coming up to me "oh he was just asking me to the Yule ball" I say walking with her to class "and what did you say?"
"I said I'll think about it"

"Hey! Wait up" i here Theo say behind me
"Oh hey Theo" me and Pansy say at the same time
"Y/l/n, Parkinson." He says addressing the two of you "so who are you guys going to the Yule ball with?" He asks also starting to walk with us "dunno but Cedric just asked me" I say "diggory? What did you say" he asks "I said that I'll think about it" I say "what about you Pansy?" He asks "well.. Blaise asked me out!!" Pansy says excitedly "omg congrats!" I say happily "what about you Theo?" Pansy asks "I'm not sure.. hey if your not yo busy with your new hufflepuff you wanna come with me y/n?" He asks
"Um sure I guess" I say reluctantly

*time skip to the end of the day*

"Hey y/n!" Matteo says catching up to me in the hallway

"Oh hey Matteo" I say smiling at him "what's up?" I ask

"Well i was just wondering if you don't already have a date-

"I'm sorry but I already said I'd go with Theo as friends of course but I'm going with him" I say sympathetically

"Oh it's fine just promise to save me a dance" he says winking at me and disappearing into the hallways..
Heyy sorry this chapter is like really short I was just having a bit of writers block today

