Chapter two: DRUGS

Shut up about the chapter name and also enjoy <33

*time skip to a few weeks later*
(You and pansy were in your shared dorm finishing up homework)

"Hey Pans are the boys still coming over to smoke later tonight because I got my hands on some fire whisky" I say still looking at my books

"Yeah i thinks so, how did you get it?"

"Stole it from filch" I say calmly

"How did you-

"Heyy I come wielding drugs!" Theo says clearly high as a kite as he walks in with the rest of the boys minus Tom because he wasn't into this type of thing

"Scream it a little louder why don't you I don't think the other half of the Gryffindors heard you" I say sarcastically

"I COME WIELDING DR- Mattheo covers Theos mouth before he could finish

"That was a joke, I was joking" I say holding back my laughter

"Anyways" Pansy starts "how much did you bring?" Pansy asks Theo "enough for all of us to pair up with each other which is 1,2,3,4,5,6 wait no 1,2-

"3, Theo, you brought 3" Blaise says bluntly

"Let's pair up then" Draco says
"I wanna go with Blaise!" Pansy shouts Causing us to look at her
"I mean I want to pair up with Blaise this time" she said, her face turning red from embarrassment
"Alright I'll go with Draco" Theo says winking at me

I walk over to Mattheo who's sitting on my bed (I was sitting in pansy's bed before) "you go a lighter?" I say
"Yeah" he says pulling out a little silver lighter and lighting the joint of weed

He lights it and takes a hit then hands it to me. God he's so hot when he smokes. no stop thinking like that you guys are just friends

"So are you gonna take it?" Mattheo says snapping me out of my thoughts "what? Oh yeah" say taking it from him

Mattheo's POV:
She took it out of my hand and put it to her lips and blew the smoke out. Ughh why is she so hot

"Like what you see?" I hear her say snapping me out of my thoughts "hmm, you wish" I say smiling and grabbing it out of her hand causing her to giggle. Her laugh is so cute

*time skip till just a few minutes later*

"Hey are you guys done because we are" I say

"Yeah we just finished" Pansy says

"We should play a game" Theo suggests

"Sure" I say
"Yeah sure" Pansy says
"Ok" Draco says
"Alright" Matteo says
"Fine by me" Blaise says

"What game should we play?" I ask

"How about spin the bottle."
Haha kind of a cliffhanger
Also I'm probably not going to be posting every day I was just super motivated and had a good idea
Ps. If you didn't eat today yet then go grab a little snack or at least a drink <33

