Chapter twenty four: Short stories with y/n and matteo throughout the year

Y/h/c- your hair color (it can be a color of your choice)

Y/f/b- your favorite book (preferably not a Harry Potter book)

Wanna go out?

"Hello darling" Matteo puts his hands around y/n's waist from behind

"Hey Matteo" y/n says turning around only to be met by Matteo's lips

"So I was wondering if you'd let me take you out?" Matteo says after pulling away

"Like on a real date?!" Y/n said excitedly (her and Matteo had never actually gone out before)

The dark haired boy smiled at the girl in front of him

"So it that a yes? Oooor-

"Yes, it is" the y/h/c girl smiled

"Good" he says giving y/n a quick peck on the lips before rushing off to plan there first date

Under the tree

Y/n's POV:

Me and Matteo were sitting under the womping willow (he had spelled it so it didn't try to you know.. unalive us)

He was sitting against the tree and I was sitting in between his legs reading y/f/b

His hands were softly combing through my hair and we had already been sitting there for about an hour (it was Saturday so we didn't have any classes)

"Hey princess, wake up" Matteo says softly shaking me so I'd wake up

"Hmm? Oh I fell asleep I'm sorry" I say rubbing my eyes

"It's alright you were only out for like 30 minutes" he says Getting up a little and helping me up

We walked back to the castle and I went back to my dorm to finish my book

*chokes on food*

"Matteo" y/n says breathing heavily

"Tell me to stop and I will" Matteo says taking his lips off of y/n's neck and making eye contact with her


Y/n and Matteo do some stuff now..

*after there done ✨✨✨*
Y/n and Matteo were laying in Matteo's bed facing each other and just admiring the view pretty much half asleep tho

"Matteo?" Y/n says

"Hmm?" Matteo hums pushing a piece of hair from his girlfriends face

"I think we broke the backboard.." y/n says smiling a little

"We'll take care of it in the morning love just get some rest ok?" Matteo says smiling back at the pretty girl laying in his bed and kissing her forehead


(Idk if Matteo originally shared a dorm with Theo but now he does so I'm sorry if he didn't but I just don't feel like going through the whole story again)

Y/n's POV:
*the next morning at breakfast*

"Sooo Matteo" Theo says looking over to Matteo who was across from him sitting next to me


"What happened to your backboard?"


I choke on my food and look up from my book

"Oh I um- i-it was-

"Kaa! It was Kaa" I say trying to save Matteo

"It was?" I kick Matteo under the table "it was! Yeah right Kaa.. she-

"She um she was.. hunting! Right she was hunting for a mouse and she broke Matteo's backboard"

"I see" Theo says suspiciously

Thank god none of our other friends were there..

Protective Matteo..

Tw: sa
Y/n's POV:

we were at a Slytherin party and practically everyone was drunk (except Tom obviously because he was in his room studying for who knows what class anymore)

"Hello gorgeous"  some random guy says sitting down next to me and putting his arm around me

"Um hi?" I say moving over a little so he wouldn't be so close

"You wanna go somewhere a little more.. private?" He says smirking

"Um no thank you" I say smiling a little and moving over again

"Oh come on I just want to have a little fun" the boy pushes me down on the couch and kisses me

"Hey get off" I say trying to push him off

"M-m" the boy says still kissing me

"Hey! She said get off!" I feel the boy getting ripped off of me and when I sit up I see Matteo holding him by the collar

"Now you listen to me you little bitch-

"Who you calling a bitch?"

"Matteo" I say

But Matteo punches the boy giving him a bloody lip

"Matteo!" I yell trying to calm him

The kid swings at Matteo but misses

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The other kids were chanting

Matteo punches the boy again and it looked like he broke his nose

"Matteo stop!" I yell

The boy punches Matteo before passing out

"Shit Matteo what did you do?" I say walking over to him and bringing him to my dorm sitting him down on my bed

"I punched him" Matteo says a little out of breath

"I can see.. and he punched you" I say sitting down and putting my hand softly on his nose but moving it as soon as he flinched

"Well he kissed you so I think we're even now" I Matteo says looking up at me

I sigh "you know your lucky you look so cute when your bloody"

He smiles at me and I kiss him

I finish cleaning him up and we cuddle for the rest of the night

Ok I just read a little bit of the chapters from before and they are actual shit so idk how some of you like it but I'm happy you do
