Chapter thirty four: intruder

Can you guys help me with the title name please I have no idea what to to put for it thanks

Edit: I changed it thank you
*time skip to a few weeks into school*
3rd person POV:

"Hey princess" Matteo says walking up to y/n. Once hers close enough he leans in for a kiss

"Hi love" she leans in to but before they can kiss

"Hey Matteo" lavender randomly said giggling a little with Some of her friends as she walked away

They both look at her "Um hi?" Matteo says confused for a second before turning his attention back to his lover

"Do you know her?" Y/n asks and Matteo shakes him head "nope."

"Oh ok, well let's get to class then" y/n takes Matteo's hand and they walk to class

*time skip to the end of the day*
Y/n and Matteo are walking in the hallway

"can we go to the library?" Y/n asks "have to catch up on some reading for Minnies class" she adds

"Of course darling" he smiled and they walked to the library

Once they got to the library y/n picked out the books she needed and sat down to read

Matteo sat next to her and got a book as well

"Hi Matteo" lavender waved to Matteo from a few seats away "hi?" Matteo looked up from his book

She moved to a seat next to Matteo "can you pwease help me with my work? I'm having a hard time" she asked Matteo

"Uhm" Matteo looked at y/n who grumbled a little, he could tell she didn't want lavender to be here so he held her hand "who are you again?" Lavender looked offended at this and y/n held in her laughter "uh I'm lavender.." Matteo looked at lavender with his eyebrow raised "lavender brown?" she said again "We were partners on that one project for potions two years ago how can you not remember me?" She said sounding frustrated "sorry my memory is foggy" Matteo shrugged "come on let's go somewhere else alright darling?" Matteo whispered to y/n

"Wait are you guys dating dating or just talking?" Lavender asks as they get up

"Uh- Matteo starts

"Bitch if I kill you are you dead dead or just not breathing?" Y/n said grabbing Matteo's hand again and pulling him out of the library

"Let's go get dinner with the others" y/n said

They get to the great hall and see Draco, Theo, Blaise, and Pansy all sitting there talking. Theo had some random girl on his lap and and pansy was sitting next to Blaise and Draco

"Hey guys" y/n said walking up to them
"Hey" everyone said

Matteo sat down and y/n was about to sit next to him but he pulled her on his lap

She shrugged it off and just went with it taking some food and then taking out her books and opening them up while Matteo started talking and eating with the rest of there friends

Y/n was in her own bubble basically tuning out everything that was going on until suddenly she felt a warm hand on her thigh

She looked up to see Matteo still talking to their friends

So she looked down to see Matteo's hand there
(he was put it at a angle so no one could really see it)

She shrugged it off pretty much forgetting it was there until he moved it higher up her skirt

"AHEM" she she fake coughed loudly Causing everyone to stop talking

"Are you alright princess?" Matteo asked 'innocently'

"Uh yeah I'm just gonna go back to the common room to read since it's hard to concentrate here" she said getting up

"Oh I'll come with you" Matteo says

"Ok." She said and the both walked out

"Why'd you do that?"

"Why'd I do what?"

"You know" y/n made a hand gesture to her thigh

"I have no idea what your talking about" Matteo says turning his head to the girl

They stop for a second looking at each other

Matteo's eyes flicker from y/n's eyes to her lips to her eyes before he pushed his lips against hers

He pushed her against the wall deepening the kiss

After about a minute y/n pulled away slightly "Matteo"
"What's wrong?"
"There are other people here and there gonna see us"
"Well," Matteo kisses her again "they can watch, or they can join.
"Matteo!" Y/n yelled wacking him on the shoulder
"I'm ok with either one"
"MATTEO!" She yelled giving him another wack on the shoulder
"What?!" He laughed
Y/n shook her head and walked down to the dungeons
I'm so sorry this took so long to finish I literally can't keep track of time at all anymore

And also I'm sorry if this sucks I'm literally writing this at like 4 in the morning and I'm like half dead so yeah

Anyways have good days, gets sleep, do drugs, and make sure to eat enough <3
