Chapter forty six

"And this works for any type of pain right?"


"And it can also help nausea and headaches and stuff like that?"

"Yup you just take one sip a day and you should be good."

"Ok.. You promise you won't tell anyone about this?" She asks

"Yes but might I ask why you need the potion to begin with? And why all the secrecy?"

"I've just been feeling a little, bleh lately and I don't want anyone to worry, thats all." She says

"Are you ok tho?"

"I'm ok Draco."

"Are you sure y/n? Cause-

"Yes I'm sure don't worry"

"If you say so" I shrug "but if something is wrong-

"I'll tell you" I give her a look "I promise"

"Ok here" I hand her the potion and she thanks me and walks out

*time skip*

Y/n's pov:

"Hey pans"

"What's up?"

"Since the years almost over you wanna all go shopping together this weekend? my father, being the prick he is, is still giving me some allowance cause he's a bitch and wants to win me over again so I'll be a stupid fucking death eater so basically it'll be my treat"

"Ok as um, passive aggressive as that was.. it sounds like fun so I'm in" she smiles

"Yay" I roll off my bed to go tell the others about shopping

*that weekend*

"Where to first?" Blaise asks

"Oo honeydukes" Pansy drags Hermione toward the store and we all follow

"Honeydukes it is" I shrug as mattheo chuckles and puts his arm around me

*time skip*

We ended up buying a shit ton of stuff and having a lot of fun

"Last stop, the three broomsticks"I say

We all go in and order butter beers, Theo slips a weed edible into hermiones drink without her noticing which made for some very entertaining conversation

"Did you know that the male seahorse has the babies?" Hermione blurts out

"I didn't" Theo leans in more as if he was interested, knowing full well what he'd done

Me, Matteo, Blaise, Draco, and Harry were all laughing hysterically while Hermione kept spewing random stupid facts, Theo was pretending to be all interested, and pansy was trying to shut her up cause we were causing a scene at this point

Pansy finally got Hermione to get up and we were walking out until

"Oh shit I forgot- shit I just cursed- fuck I did it again- *gasp* I should really watch my language" Hermione said matter of fact l'y

"Yes you should, now let's keep walking" Pansy said practically pushing her out the door. "Ok" Hermione says. The rest of us were still cackling behind them

"Well this was fun" I say wiping a tear away from laughing so hard

"You're welcome" Theo did a little bow as we continued walking to the slytherin common room

Alright you know what? After forty five chapters I think you should get to see my POV considering I'm technically the narrator even tho it's usually other peoples pov's I'm technically the one narrating their thoughts.. sometimes anyways here we go

Narrators pov:
It was nearing the end of their last year at Hogwarts, Harry and Draco were officially back together, Pansy and Hermione couldn't be happier, and y/n and Mattheo were probably the cutest couple to ever walk the face of the earth (in my opinion) the love of professor lupins life was now dead, (Draco had to help harry through that one) overall this year had been pretty mediocre especially compared to last year.. sheesh. but whatever

Now what about everyone's plans for after school? Well, mattheo and y/n were planning on moving in together awwweee and Theo, Draco, and pansy would all move nearby. Since school was almost over they had already found the perfect spot for them all to live

They were thinking about all moving into one house but decided it would be better to all have their own houses

I for one think that was a good idea because Theodore and his gazillion girlfriends could get pretty loud if you know what I mean..

and so could y/n and Mattheo,

and during school breaks I'm sure Harry and Draco could be loud too, no I'm positive they'd be loud, (in school i could barely sleep when Draco would spend the night with Harry) so moral of the story the living arrangements were good

Life was good, no complications, no sudden changes, everything was nice and calm and-

oh come on. Just when everything was beginning to look up, nope BECAUSE NOTHING GOOD EVER HAPPENS woah hey calm down let's just think about it, this could go over well.. or all of the years that y/n and Mattheo liked each other and then we're together will go to shit. Well for the sake of my sanity and I'm sure yours as well let's hope it's the first option.

Speaking of nothing good ever happening, Tom has been helping the death eaters a lot lately which is probably why he barely shows up, also he's kind of a jerk and only really hung out with everyone else cause his brother made him.

Now I guess let's go back to y/n's pov:

"So, it's the almost last day of school and we have to figure out a prank we can do to, leave a mark here" I say

"I say we drug Minnie and see how class goes" Theo suggests

"Hmm maybe, any other ideas?"

"Ooh what if we super glue everything in professor umbridges office including her seat" Blaise suggests

"Oh that's a good one, you getting this down scar face?" I ask Harry

"Mhm but I don't think-

"Nobody cares what you think, anyone else?" I ask

"First of all I care what he thinks and second of all why don't we just dye umbridges hair like green or something" Draco says

"Ooh that one's good too, but which one should we do?" I ask

"How about you just permanently get rid of her?" Tom says out of the blue

"What in the- where did you come from?" I jump

"Your worst nightmare, now why are you thinking of pranks again?" He asks

"Because we want to leave a mark, Tom. and why do you care?" He shrugs "I dont. But if you really want to leave a mark on the school, burn your names on the side of the astronomy tower or something" he says

"Oh my gods you're right."

"Uhm y/n, are you sure that's the best idea?" Harry says

"Oh shut it golden boy"

"Hey I'm not appreciating all these nick-

"So how are we gonna do it?"

"Maybe fireworks?" Pansy suggests

"Nah the Weasley twins already did something with fireworks" Mattheo says

"Wait Harry didn't you say something about hagrid having dragons?"

"Oh so now you use my first name?" I give him a look "ok ok yeah he has them."

I smirk

"No. Don't even think about it." Hermione says

"Oh I'm already thinking about it." I get up "we're going to use dragons to burn our names into the side of the astronomy tower"

"I'm down" Theo says

"Let's go to Hagrids hut." I say
"We can't right now it's to late we'll get caught" Hermione says

"Harry?" I turn to him

"Oh come on please?"
"No you are not using my invisibility cloak"

*time skip*
"I can't believe you got him to let you use this" Theo whispers

"I know right" I whisper back as we quietly walk down to hagrids

*time skip again*

"Boo" we throw down the invisibility cloak revealing me, Theo, and two baby dragons

"He let you have them?!" Hermione walks up to us petting one of them

"No" I laugh "I don't think he was even home"

"Alright well where do we put them? We still have two days till the last day of school" Tom points out

"We'll put them in Kaa's old tank. Oh speaking of kaa," I pull out muggle pepper spray and spray his eyes before pulling him up by his hair "OW MY EYES" he yells "pull something like that again and you won't have eyes." I let go of him and turn around to everyone "now, I'll fetch her tank." I smile and walk towards my dorm

Mattheo smirks "hot." Blaise Theo and Mattheo say at the same time "hey back off she mine" Mattheo says playfully as he goes to my room too

Alrighty what do we think? This chapter is pretty long and I like it so I hope do too

I know school already started for a lot of people and my school is about to start so I wish you all the best of luck with grades, friends, people in general, looks, and most of all, crushes <33

Love you all ♥️♥️

