Chapter twenty one: You knew?

Ok just saying umbitch quit (she'll be back tho) and for the sake of my sanity lupin came back bc I NEED to add in a little wolfstar ok enjoy 



*its Cedric's funeral*

Dumbledore was talking but I was just blocking most of what he was saying out just getting lost in my thoughts

But one thing he said snapped me back in..

"Cedrics death was no accident. He was killed by Voldemort"

And with that I looked up and then at Matteo who was looking straight ahead looking as if he had seen a ghost (I know there are ghosts/spirits in Hogwarts but in this case I'm using the expression)

Matteo's POV:

I was blocking out pretty much everything Dumbledore was saying and just thinking to myself

I'm really worried about y/n even though I didn't like that damn hufflepuf she was getting really close to him

Then Dumbledore said something I'd hoped no one would find out.. especially not y/n

"Cedrics death was no accident. He was killed by Voldemort"

My stomach dropped and I looked up at the nasty old man



"Y-you knew?"

"Y/n I-

"You knew there was a chance that he would die and you didn't tell me?" i whisper, tearing up a little

"i uh.." he says 

"no i dont want to talk right now, we'll wait till this is over." i say looking forward

at some point during the funeral there was a point where everyone was just quietly talking amongst themselves so i took the opportunity to leave the great hall 

i speed walked down the hall before being stopped

"y/n? are you alright?" i look up to see professor lupin

 "O-oh professor I'm fine dont worry about it."i say quickly trying to get away but he stops me again

"are you sure?"

"no." i huff and sit down on a bench in the corridors, putting my face in my hands, he sits next to me

"whats wrong?" he asks

i take my face out of my hands and lean my chin on them "well you cant really blame him and you cant tell anyone but you know mattheo?" i ask


"mhm, so basicaly me and him were like kinda a thing or whatever but it was supposed to be secret so i decided to sort of make it look like i liked cedric but them i actually started liking him a little and then mattheo knew there was a chance he would die because you know.. he's a riddle and he didnt tell me and so now im mad at him and i cant even talk to my friends about it because not even they knew about our relationship and ughhhhhh. i hate my life" i put my face back in my hands 

"wow thats a lot"

"i know" i mumble 

*shuffle shuffle* "here, eat this it'll make you feel better." i look up to see him holding a chocolate bar

"oh thanks" i sniff, whiping away a tear and taking the chocolate from him

i take a bite

"you know, my brother in law was killed, not directly but because of the dark lord"

"you have a wife?" i ask, taking another bite

"husband, actually."


"yeah," he smiles (probably thinking of his husband) "i knew his brother when we were younger, he was a very reserved and shy boy he pretty much only spoke to his best friend sage. she was in gryffindor and he slytherin but she always stood up for him when people were mean and im pretty sure that they liked each other but i dont think they ever said anything.. anyways im getting distracted, the point is he made some not great choices and from what i've heard he ended up in bad situation that he couldn't get out of."

"oh.. thats sad. what happened to that sage girl he was friends with?"

"We still talk sometimes, she got a job in the ministry." he says

"thats nice, who is your husband anyways?" i ask

"his name is sirius"

"wait as in sirius black?" 



"thats cool, thanks for the chocolate, and letting me talk to you." i give him a hug

"any time" he smiles and hugs me back


"aw shit, can you cover for me real quick? thanks." i quickly get up and hide in the closest closet i can find

"hey professor lupin, have seen y/n? i"m looking for her but i can't find her" mattheo says

"no sorry" remus gets up

"alright well if you see her can you let me know?" mattheo asks

"sure" he smiles and mattheo walks away

i come out of the closet.. (kinda ironically)

"thank you again professor"

"no problem" he winks and i smile at him and walk back to the great hall.
