Chapter fifteen: the second task

*time skip to the night before the second task*

Me and Matteo haven't spoken in a few days because I've been avoiding him but anyways
I was just doing some homework in my dorm when all the sudden everything went black

Matteo's POV:
*time skip to the next day in early afternoon*

"Hey y/n! Get up it's getting late and we're gonna miss the second task" I say knocking on the door
"y/n!" I knock on the door again "y/n are you really still mad at me?" I say opening the door a crack before opening it all the way to see an empty dorm "shit where is she" I say to myself

After a few minutes of looking around I just decided to go to the lake where the second task was being held and I'd look for y/n afterwards

I walked to where the rest of my friends were and saw that the task had already started

"So what do they have to do for this one?" I ask

"They have an hour to rescue something that is dear or important to them. Frankly I think that this task is fairly stupid" Tom says to me

"Well that's because your incapable of feeling emotion" Pansy says rolling her eyes

"Oh shut up you whore" Tom says

Oop shits about to go down..

"What did you just call her" Blaise says stepping in front of his girlfriend

"Blaise" Draco says making Blaise turn back for a second

"You trying to pick a fight with me?" Tom scoffs
Blaise turns back to him

"Maybe I am-

"Hey hey hey shut up! Both of you!" I say getting in between the two boys

"Yeah seriously Blaise" Pansy says pulling his hand and walking away with him

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" I say madly

"What do you think? I'm bored" Tom says beginning to walk away

"So you just try to pick a fight with one of your friends?!" I whisper yell grabbing his arm

My brother casts a silence charm on us and we start fighting

"I'm not in the mood today brother" he says pulling his arm out of my grip

"You think your not in the mood?!" I start angrily "I haven't spoken to to the one girl that makes me happy in a few days because I fucked things up with her and now she disappeared so I can't even make anything up" I add getting more angry

Tom just smirked

"What?!" I pretty much yell

"Thank you" he says still smirking his little evil smirk

"For?" I ask

"A looot of people owe me a loooot of money" he says walking away chuckling a bit but I just stand there in shock

What. Just. Happened..

After what felt like a decade people began coming up from the water but when I saw who was in the water with Cedric I almost blew up the school

"Oooh looks like your girlfriend isn't into you anymore" some random 5th years said as the walked by me chuckling

"She's not my girlfriend!" I shout from where I was standing although I was pretty jealous of that dumbass diggory


I woke up and gasped for air

"What just happened?" I ask Cedric very out of breath for some reason while some other kids were helping me onto the docks

"You were my thing that I had to retrieve" he said smiling his sweet little smile

"Umm I think I missed a chapter" I say still very confused

"Well for this task we had to retrieve something we care about from the bottom of the lake" he explained

"Oh." I start "that- thats sweet" I add

I don't really know what to think anymore because I do like Matteo but Cedric is so sweet and charming
Trouble in paradise?

Hey peoples sorry for the long wait I've been pretty busy but I hope to write a few chapters this weekend

Love you guys and thanks for the reads
