Chapter thirty three: The train ride pt. 3

3rd person POV:

Narcissa had brought Y/n Matteo and Draco to the train station (Tom didn't want to come with them so he went in his own limo)

"Goodbye Draco, goodbye y/n, and goodbye Matteo"
"Bye Narcissa" Y/n and Matteo say
"Bye mum" Draco says

They all started going to the door of the train when Draco saw Blaise "You guys go ahead I'm gonna go catch up with Blaise for a second" he said

"Alright" y/n takes mateos hand and they both walk on the train and find an empty compartment.

Matteo went in first putting his and y/n's things away and sitting down

"So Matteo- Matteo pulled y/n's hand and sat her down on his lap giving her a long passionate kiss, she immediately gave in and started kissing him back. One of his hands was on her face and the other went to her waste and traveled lower and lower until it reached her thigh, he put his hand under her skirt and started going up her skirt squeezing her thigh as he went up. She gasped and he took the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth making her moan. He pulled away after a minute but still stayed close to
y/n's face

"Why so cheery all the sudden?" Y/n asked
Matteo gave her one of his signature adorable smiles and kissed her again "just happy to be away from my dear father" y/n smiled back. Matteo held her chin  "your beautiful you know that?" He said looking into y/n's eyes and tracing his thumb against her lower lip, she smiled again and leaned in but just then Pansy came into the compartment

"Hey y/n!!"
"Oh hey pans!!" Y/n got up and hugged her best friend
"Ohhh I missed you" Pansy said
"I missed you to" y/n said excitedly
"How was your summer?" Y/n asked
"It was pretty good"
"Ok you have to tell me all about it."
Then Theodore, Draco, and Blaise came into the compartment

"Hey Theo, hi Blaise, hey ferret" y/n says and everyone holds in there laughter
"Don't call me that." Draco says
"Aw why not? Your little boyfriend does" y/n teased
"He is not my boyfriend." Draco says annoyed
"Hmm that's what I said about Matteo."
"Shut up" Draco hit y/n on the shoulder
"I'm just saying" y/n sat down next to Matteo
"Ferret" y/n muttered under her breath

"Matteo you got a lighter?" Theodore asks pulling a cigarette out of his pocket
"Yeah" Matteo pulls out a little silver lighter and throws it to Theo "thanks mate."

The rest of the train ride they just talked and smoked.
Ik this ones short and kinda shitty but I've been waiting to write this chapter for a while which is why I made the summer so short

What do you think of the chapter btw?

Anyways thank you for all the reads and votes and comments I love you peoples <33
