Chapter forty four: just some more drarry

Ok so does everyone remember the part where Draco curses Katy bell and then sort of has a mental breakdown when Harry finds out? Yeah well I just feel like that scene should've gone so differently so here it is

Y/n's pov:
We were all sitting in the common room eating candy and talking

"Hey did you guys hear about Katy bell?" Blaise asks, tossing a piece of chocolate in his mouth

"Yeah" I say as Draco walks in then right back out again when he heard what we were talking about "Oh hey dra- oh uh I'll be right back guys" I get up and follow Draco

"Hey Draco what's wro-

"I cursed Katy bell."

*time skip*
Dracos pov:

I walk into the great hall to see Harry talking to Katy bell

He knows.

I quickly turn around as soon as he looks at me

I walk as fast as I can to the nearest bathroom

Harry's pov:

I was asking Katy bell some questions when I saw Draco

(Things were still kinda weird between us)

As soon as he saw me he turned around and walked out. So I followed him

He sped down the corridors until we finally got to a bathroom

He went inside so I followed him in

"You cursed her didn't you?"

He turns around

He looked like a reck, his hair was slightly messed up , he was breathing heavily, and I finally noticed the dark bags under his eyes

"I- he looks down "I didn't mean too- I didn't want to- I- I promise i-

I walk up to him and hug him. It takes a second but he hugs me back and we just stand there for a few minute while he sobs into my shoulder

He pulls away a little and I put my hand on his cheek to wipe away the tears "I swear to you I didnt want to- but he threatend my mother.. I had to" he whispers the last bit

"I believe you Draco."

"W-wait, you do?" He asks looking up at me

"Of course I do. I know you, I know you wouldn't do something like this. But it's going to be ok, everything's going to be ok." I assure him

"I.. don't think it is."

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Uh- nothing never mind"

Ik it's short but more is coming hopefully soon

Also sorry for the wait lovely's

Love you lots <33

