Chapter forty two: nightmares

He pushes me against the wall and kisses me harshly

I move my hands from his jaw up to his hair and I grab onto it

He groaned slightly and slipped his tongue into my mouth

I moan into the kiss but then I feel a sharp pain in my stomach

I look down to see mattheo stabbed me

I look back up at him completely shocked to see him smirking

"Mattheo?" I ask, tears forming in my eyes as the blood starts seeping through my shirt

"Youre a disgraceful orphan and nobody will ever love you. Anyone who says otherwise is lying." He says

"Yeah you're the reason Dumbledores army got caught" I look to the side and see luna standing there with a disappointed look on her face

"No, no I didn't mean to" I say crying

"You're also the reason harry and I broke up." I look to the other side and see Draco staring at me with a hurt look

"No draco I- I would never-

"You're the reason kaa's dead" Tom says

"No I-

"And the reason that I'm dead." Cedric says

"Please I-

"You could've saved me too" my mom says

"Mom?" I say through the tears

"You're a witch. You could've just came to the hospital and helped me." She says

"No I couldn't-

"But you just decided not to."

"No I wanted to-

"You're a disgrace and I'm ashamed to call you my daughter" she says

Curl up onto the floor and everyone starts talking over each other about all things I've done wrong

"Please please stop I- I didn't mean to I didn't mean to.."

"Y/n, y/n, y/n" they all start chanting


"Y/n wake up"

I wake up to see mattheo looking worried

"Y/n are you ok?"

"Mattheo" I hug him and start to cry

"Y/n" he says and then hugs me back "what's wrong?"

"Do you still love me?" I ask

he pulls away and looks at me "of course I still love you, I always will. Why would ever you think otherwise?"

"B- because in my dream you said nobody would ever love me"

"Darling you're the most amazing person I know, anyone who doesn't love you is an idiot." He says wiping a tear away

"B- but you said-

"I said that in a dream, it wasn't really me. Real me would never say that."

"But it felt so real.."

"But it wasn't."

"Yeah" I wipe away a tear "I guess you're right.."

"Love, I'm always right" he smiles softly and i chuckle lightly

"Can we go back to sleep now? I'm tired." I say snuggling up to him more

"Of course my love" he kisses me on the forehead and we both dose off quickly, this time with no bad dreams :)
Alright lovelies what do we think?

Also remember to charge your cromebook for school :)

Anyways be nice, be you, have fun, get revenge on that one bitch, and have a good day or night :)

Love ya <33
