Chapter thirty seven: Drarry but like not in a good way..

*times skip to a few weeks later*
Y/n's pov:

I was in the common room reading a book, Matteo, Blaise, and pansy were off doing there own things

When Draco burst through the door looking like he was about to cry

"Oh hey Draco" I said and he starts walking towards me

"What happened?" I say putting down my book And he sits down on the couch

"He kissed cho." He said confusing me

"Who kissed- oh."


"Come here" I put out my hands to give him a hug and he turns to me with teary eyes and hugs me

Draco cry's into my shoulder for a few minutes

"I loved him" he whispers

"I know." I whisper back still holding onto him
"But it'll be ok" I say trying to reassure him

"I just don't kn- know what I'm gonna d-do now." He says

We keep hugging and he keeps crying for a little longer

While he was crying I was thinking of the many ways I could kill Harry James Potter.

*time skip to the next day*
3rd person POV:

Y/n, pansy and Matteo were walking in the hallway when she saw Harry

"Hold on pans, Matteo, I'll be right back" y/n says handing Pansy her books

"Harry Potter you little bastard" he turns his head towards y/n

She pulls him up by his collar and looks straight into his eyes

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

He didn't answer

"Hm?" She says still looking in his eyes

"Tell me. What was going through your head when you kissed that ravenclaw whore?"

He still stays quiet which annoys y/n further

Y/n looks away for a second and takes a deep breath

"Now you listen here you little shit," she looks back at him "Draco is my best friend and I care for him a lot and he cared for you a lot, for that reason and that reason only I left you alone. Now that you have hurt him I will not be leaving you alone in fact I will make sure that while I am still here your life will be a living hell, do you understand me?"

He keeps looking at her

"I said, do you understand me?" Y/n says sternly

"Y-yes" Harry cursed himself in his head for stuttering

"Good." Y/n smiles fakely and lets Harry go walking back to Matteo and pansy

(Idk if fakely is even a word but it seemed fitting so I used it)

"Come on let's go." Y/n grabs her books and keeps walking

Matteo stands there and looks at y/n slightly turned on by what just happened

No one it there friend group knew about the breakup until now when y/n made it pretty clear

*time skip*

Matteo and y/n were cuddling on Matteo's bed

"Y/n darling?"

"Hm?" Y/n says half asleep

"What happened with Harry before?"

"Mm he kissed cho and Draco found out."


"Yeah so I just wanted to make sure he knew that I was coming for him now" y/n says snuggling up to Matteo's chest a little more

Matteo smiles to himself and kisses y/n on the forehead before playing with her hair as she fell asleep.
Hey peoples what do you think of this chapter? Lmk

Also go eat something or drink something or both

Alright be nice, be you, do drugs or maybe don't idk

Anyways love you all and if you need to talk to someone you can always talk to me <33
