Chapter sixteen: is that my hoodie?


*time skip to the night before the last task*

I had just taken a shower and I got into my favorite hoodie and a pair of shorts

I laid down in bed propping my head up on the backboard I covered myself in a blanket and opened up a book (you can choose what book)

"Hey isn't that Matteo's?" Pansy said all the sudden

"What? Oh yeah I guess, why?" I say looking up from my book and then back down and the (very) oversized grey hoodie

"Awwww you guys are so cute" she says

"Oh for merlins sake we're not together he's a jerk!" I yell a little louder then I meant

"Who's a jerk?" Matteo says walking into me and Pansy's dorm

"Ughh why are you here Matteo?" I say getting annoyed with the 6'5 boy that was now standing in MY dorm

"Look I came here to say I'm sorry" he says turning to me

"Alright that's my cue" Pansy said rolling off her bed and leaving our dorm

"I really don't care what you have to say Matteo so can you please just leave" I say emotionless looking at my book

"No." He says bluntly

"No?" I ask looking up from my book

"Nope." He says getting on his knees so he'd come face to face with me "because I know that little hufflepuff boyfriend of yours would never do this" he says grabbing my face and smashing our lips together

"Matteo- I-

"Stop resisting it love" he says still kissing me

I start to kiss him back and I feel a quick smirk against my lips before the dark haired boy began to stand up and pin me against the backboard on my bed without taking his lips off mine

"This is ok right?" He says pausing for a moment

I just nod

He put his hand on my neck (I little harder then last time) and kissed me again pushing his tongue down my throat

After a few minutes he stopped kissing my lips and kissed down my jawline onto my neck and began nibbling and sucking at the sensitive skin on my neck making little marks

I couldn't hold it in anymore so I lightly moaned

"Hm you like that?" He says smirking

All I could do was nod

"Hey, is that my hoodie?" He said grabbing a little bit of it pulling me up a little towards him


"You'd look better without it" he smirks at me

"Hm lets test that theory" I take off the hoodie

After I take it off I pull him closer by his collar

"Now you" I say starting to unbutton his shirt

Once his shirt was off I traced my finger along his perfect abs

"So, you still like me I guess" I say smirking

"Hey I never said that-

I kiss him again

"Don't worry handsome I like you to" I say pressing our lips together again

He liked that..

He pushed his lips harder against mine pressing me back onto the the backboard almost breaking it

I tried to put my arms around his neck but he wasn't having it

He grabbed my hands and held them together in one of his and ruffly pushed them over my head leaving me defenseless

"Be gentle now" I say "we don't want to break the bed now do we?" I add

"I make no promises love" he says smirking back "now.. about those clothes of yours"

"What about them?" I say innocently

"There's to many"

"Well I'm not really sure what you want me to do about that" I say innocently

"I say we get rid of them"

"Whatever you say"

He kissed me again unhooking my bra and moving me so I was laying down on the bed and he was hovering over me


Pansy's POV:

Y/n has been in the dorm with Matteo for a while now I wonder if I should go check on her

Is she gonna check on you?
