Chapter 9- task

One after another different kings and princes tried their luck at the task with almost all of them failing miserably at it.

Uttara was becoming anxious, what if no one is able to complete the task?

Just then it was Abhimanyu's turn, before going to fulfil the task he looked back at Uttara and vrish, Uttara looking at him hopefully and anxiously, while vrish kept looking back and forth from uttara to Abhimanyu before giving him a thumbs up and 'you got this' look

Abhimanyu made his way to the platform where he would be performing the task before picking up his bow & arrow and...

Piercing the targets! I mean what do you expect from the great gandivdhari's son?

Maharaj virat was delighted, Uttara shy and vrish was like 'thats my bestie!'

But the other participants were enraged!

???: how could a mere child do the task us kings couldn't complete?!

???: what trickery is this!

???: we won't accept this insult maharaj!

Uttara rolled her eyes at these comments before replying..

Uttara: just because you couldn't complete the task doesn't mean no one can! Rajkumar abhimanyu has rightfully won my swayamvar and I won't accept anyone but him as my husband! It is you who has failed to complete the task, then how would it be Rajkumar abhimanyu or pitashree's fault? Uttara finished looking annoyed but determined

Abhimanyu was feeling overwhelmed and flustered hearing the princess meanwhile vrish gave abhimanyu another teasing look

Then king virat spoke up, "My daughter is right kings and princes, now if you could please take a seat and putri Uttara, go garland rajkumar Abhimanyu!"

Uttara shyly made her way down to Abhimanyu before garlanding him, with vrish by her side, smirking seeing his friends face
After the swayamvar, king virat had a message sent to Dwarka stating Abhimanyu had won Uttara and after getting married in matsya they would make their way to Dwarka

Abhimanyu was sitting in the chamber he had been given in the royal palace of matsya when a guard came and informed him that raj kumar vrish wants to enter

Abhimanyu pov
Vrish wants to see me, I'm sure he'll tease about my reaction to seeing Uttara, but I need to see him as well, I don't know how I got so close to someone, I haven't even known for a week.

"Let him in" I ordered the guard


Yep thats him, idiot

Vrish came in with the biggest smile ever while hugging abhimanyu so hard he thought he'd actually die of suffocation


"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't hurt you did I! But I must say you're not my friend anymore"

"What why?!"

"Now you're my brother in law!"
Said vrish cheerfully

Abhimanyu sighed and facepalmed himself

"Hey abhi why are you hiding your face? O-oh I see you're shy, you don't want me to see you blushing after all you getting married" said vrish smirking, then suddenly his smirk vanished and he started looking serious

"Abhi, if even one tear drops out of uttara's eyes then..."

"Then?" Asked abhimanyu knowing his friend was acting

"Then I will never talk to u again"

"Oh MY! How will I live without you! Don't worry vrish I won't do anything like that" Said abhimanyu sarcastically making a fake surprised look


Both of them burst into roars of laughter

Thanks for reading!

Finally! Uttara's swayamvar is done! Also I just want to say that I'm going to try and focus on the plot as much as possible so there aren't going to be any romantic scenes between abhi and uttara so sorry, I might try to do a few but this is not a romance story so sorry

I love the abhi-vrish duo so much!

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