Chapter 21- answers


At the crack of dawn, you could see a battalion of soldiers, multiple chariots and horses with the flags of various different kingdoms of aryavart, exiting the haven like city of Dwarka

Abhimanyu pov
Everyone got up extremely early in order to prepare the chariots and horses for our departure, mata draupadi, uttara, pitamahi and mata are also coming with us along with all my cousins, me and the other men were on chariots, near the exit of Dwarka.

I looked around and saw many different emotions and faces, some were happy getting to see mata draupadi get justice, some were scared because they knee the horrors of war especially one like mahabharat, some had encouraging faces probably trying to encourage us that we will win and others looked nervous, uncertai-


I was bought out of my pool of thoughts by mamashree, who was on the same chariot as me

"Mamashree is this war necessary? I mean so many people are gonna die from so many families and there are various different consequences"

"I can understand your turmoil abhi, but some things are unavoidable, like this war is necessary for dharm stapna"

"But dharm isn't violence"

"Not until it is unavoidable, and there is no way to teach people righteousness without war when it becomes inevitable. For example in the ramayan even after sita got kidnapped, shree ram still gave ravaan so many warnings and even sent angad to persuade ravaan, but when everything went in vain and there was no other option to save devi sita, shree ram and the vanar sena had to wage war against Lanka for dharm stapna. The pandavas and I have also given duryodhan and his followers various opportunities to quit the side of adharm but when all our attempts go futile, duryodhan leaves us no choice but to wage the Mahabharat. Even after being a knowledgeable person and formidable warrior ravaan lost to shree ram due to his arrogance and misdeeds. And now duryodhan's arrogance and sins will also become the reason for his demise."

"You are right mamashree, but what about the thousands of innocent lives who have nothing to do with these sins"

"Sometimes to establish dharm, you have to make big sacrifices abhi."
Mamashree said with teary eyes

"As much as it pains me, but
this is the only way left to establish dharma, and the land of kurushetra has a boon, so if anyone dies in the mahabharat war they will recieve a place in heaven so at least after leaving this materialistic world they can attain peace"

"Mamashree" I said hesitantly
"Does this mean there might be a time I have to fight against or even kill vrish"

The thought of even hurting vrish was tearing me apart, but what could I do? After all he was tatshree's son and he would have to fight from the kauravas side

All the seriousness fades off of mamashree's face and he looked at me with a mischievous smile

"Well, what can I say? That's up to narayan"
he said while shrugging with an innocent face

I sighed

"You're right mamashree, I just hope nothing happens to vrish" I said gloomily

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!

They're leaving for kurushetra! Is this war really inevitable?! Will abhi fail to save karna? Krishna also answered abhi's questions about the war. What will happen when abhi meets vrish on the land kurushetra? Read more to find out!

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