Chapter 18- reunion

The next day wasn't that exciting, it was mainly spent on Abhimanyu and Uttara completing some of the remaining marriage rituals.

Everyone was in a great mood, not only because of the new bride and groom but also because they would be seeing the pandavas and draupadi returning after 13 years tomorrow!

The day of pandavas arrival

Everyone in the palace got up extremely early and excited that day, all the maids and servants were running here and there around the palace, trying to get everything done before the pandavas and draupadi arrive!

All the family members couldn't stop smiling and some like kunti and subhadra were on the verge of crying out of happiness!

As all the royal family memebers lined up outside the palace, anticipating their arrival, the citizens of Dwarka were also on cloud nine! Screaming praises of the pandavas and draupadi, and getting ready to shower flowers on them as soon as they arrive.

And then it was time... the wait of 13 years was finally over

Everything after that was blurry, Abhimanyu remembers being surrounded by the pandavas and mata draupadi, all having tears in their eyes and the rest of his family crying as well, at some point even he broke down, when his father embraced him for the first time..

(Imagine arjun isn't wearing jewellery and Abhimanyu isn't in armour)

The family spent the evening laughing, bonding, and catching up with each other.

But even in this happy occasion, a certain flame of anguish, revenge and anger could be seen burning in the eyes of panduputro and yagyaseni, kind of in a way saying, that they were back, stronger and more than ready to avenge their insult and that nothing would protect the kauravas and their allies from the wrath of the pandavas in the kurushetra.

Abhimanyu had a similar flame of revenge burning through him but a part of him didn't want to harm karna, ofcourse, he would punish the kauravas, mama shakuni and the others but he desperately wanted to save angraj, after hearing about him from uttara and even getting to know him in person

Abhimanyu hasn't told anyone about what happened in matsya and how he befriended angraj's son and even met karna himself. Because he is unsure of how they'll react

And ever since he overheard kunti and learned the secret of karna, he's been extra cautious around her so she doesn't suspect him knowing the secret

Another thing is that Abhimanyu couldn't bring himself a face kunti in the first place, but nonetheless he hopes that if he is unsuccessful in his resolve, at least then kunti would speak up, I mean her pride couldn't be more important than her sons life..


To be continued..

Thanks for reading!

Yay! The pandavas and draupadi
have finally arrived! Let's see what Abhimanyu does after this!

Sorry for not putting in more detail about the reunion! I'm literally dragging myself to write one chapter day🥲

But the chapters to come will be longer and more interesting I promise!

Don't forget to vote and comment💜

