Chapter 16- Goodbye

The next morning

Uttara was crying hugging her parents
And vrish was also crying hugging abhi

It was uttara's vidai

"Abhi who will take care of you when I'm not here!" Cried vrish

"Ummm my family?"

"Who will annoy you all day long?"

"Hmm now that's something only you can do" said abhi while chuckling even though he was was also a little sad

After a good crying session, when uttara got in her palki, Abhimanyu made his way to karna and said:

"Bless me tatshree" while bending down to touch his feet

"May you have a happy and prosperous life" karna blessed wholeheartedly

Abhimanyu turned around facing vrish

"I'll miss your silly antics you idiot"

"Whatever, you can't get rid of me this easily! I'll see you soon, now you're stuck with me for your whole life!"
Vrish said trying to look happy, which he wasn't cause he was saying goodbye to both his best friend and sister on the same day

"I'll look forward to the day I see you again"
said Abhimanyu while chuckling though he was also upset saying goodbye to his best friend as he didn't know when would be the next time they met who he met by accident but soon became an important person in his life

While these two were saying their goodbyes, Karna was watching them interact with each other making karna feel emotional as he saw himself and duryodhan in their place, because he and duryodhan also shared a similar friendship bond

Even if it was arjun's son, karna was still glad vrish had the chance to find a friend like abhi at such an early age, as for him he met duryodhan much later, and after getting to know abhi properly and spend time with him, karna accepted him somewhat like his own son, and concluded that his enmity is only with arjun, not his son.

Abhimanyu mounted his chariot and started to make his way to Dwarka with his new wife.

Abhimanyu dawned upon what would've happened if he hadn't listened to his mother and came for uttara's swayamvar

Firstly he would've never married the love of his life, he would've missed out on meeting his best friend more platonic soulmate, and most importantly he probably wouldn't have gotten the chance to meet angraj before the war, and he would have absolutely zero chances of bonding with him on the battlefield

I guess sometimes mother's just know whats best? Thought abhi while shrugging

Somehow his mother accidentally helped him with one of the biggest challenges he would face in life

Abhimanyu pov

Thank you mata

End of Abhimanyu pov

As the sun sets you can see Abhimanyu and uttara make their way out of matsya on the horizon.

Thanks for reading!

Abhimanyu and uttara will be arriving in Dwarka soon!
I was so upset writing those chapter
I'll miss abhi and vrish's friendship and you guys also won't be able to see abhi - vrish scenes for a few more chapters

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