Chapter 41- Opinions

The day of the arrival of both the sides


Every servant in hastinapur is busy in the preparations of the arrival of the pandavas and kauravas, some are happy for the arrival of the pandavas, others are sour about the fact that the "evil omen" is still alive (🙄)

Dhritarashtra, though happy with the arrival of his remaining sons, has a feeling of rage and anger bubble inside of him "How dare the pandavas hurt his sons?!?! The maharaj of Hastinapur's sons?!?!" He was enraged by the pandavas! All he wanted was for him to punish those pandavas as soon as they return! But alas he couldn't do that..

Meanwhile Gandhari was feeling elated to hear that the war had ended and her sons are finally returning! Only she knows how many nightmares she'd had ever since the dyut.. the pandavas oath's would ring inside her ears, haunting her for the upcoming war. She tried many times to persuade her son to apologise to yagyaseni but in vain.

She wondered what caused his sudden change of heart, because she knew her son well, he was stubborn.. and once he decides on something, nothing in this world can make him change his judgment, so how?

But nonetheless she felt relieved that what was left of her offspring would return. Yes she loved all her children the same, there was not one son of hers that she loved more than the other. And only she knows what she had gone through when one after another she would receive the news that another one of her sons died. It was like she didn't even get enough time to mourn, she would barely realise the news when the next one comes.. life has been cruel to her but nothing could compare to this.

She was also confused about what to feel towards the Pandavas, the Pandavas whom she loved equally to her own children as much as Kunti, were stained in her children's blood. At first she was devastated, upset and even angered but now she realised that she is no one to blame the Pandavas, when her offspring were the ones who decided their end in the dyut on their own account.

She realised that the past is to forgive not to forget, and who could be a better example than yagyaseni herself, when she can do that after having such a heinous crime was done to her then who is she not to? Yes, draupadi is younger than her, but that doesn't change the fact that she has always admired the woman for her strength and courage.

Strength doesn't always mean physical, strength can also be mental and yagyaseni is the strongest when it comes to that. So she decided to forgive, forgive the Pandavas and not let the past affect her love for her other children, so what if she hasn't given birth to them? She has always loved them like her own.. And her children, they shall always be present in her heart and memories they won't be forgotten, but remembered for their love and respect toward their jyesht whom they even died for..

Whereas vidur was happy about the Pandavas return but he still didn't trust the Kauravas and wondered if it was another one of shakuni's plans.

The citizens of Hastinapur who've always considered Yudhishtir as their rightful king were torn between emotions for the first time, everyone considered Duryodhan to be an adharmi and bad omen ever since birth and the dyut sabha and the war have only encouraged it further. They are forced to think again, most couldn't believe the arrogant adharmi prince apologised for his sins?!?!

Some think maybe he has finally changed for the best while some think he's being a coward and after witnessing his brother's deaths withdrew from the war to save his own life while other experienced elders who know their prince can be anything but a coward unlike some of the younger generations they know that despite everything, duryodhan is a warrior and maybe he is not respected for his deeds but he sure is respected for his skills. Which raises the question of why he would put his remaining honour at stake and withdraw from a war he started?

And even if he knows he will die, his ego and stubbornness will most likely prevent him from withdrawing, so his behaviour intrigues them and also makes them feel curious as to how it could've happened...

Most are celebrating the end of the war, although there was more bloodshed than ever witnessed in this war, everyone knows if Duryodhan wouldn't have withdrawn things could've been way worse, so they're celebrating not having to witness that carnage and stoping the destruction halfway through, and saving something from the wreck.

Other smaller minorities are still stuck on what the evil Kauravas could be plotting or curious about what happened to duryodhan.

After all news travels like a raging flood throughout Aryavart and in less than a day since the withdrawal, almost every nation is aware of the unusual behaviour of the crown prince especially since this is one of the greatest wars in history, forcing everyone to choose a side of their own, wether through their own will, betrayal or promises. They are tied to this chain of duty and dharma.

But no one in thought sees the tsunami that is to follow the arrival of the Pandavas and the Kauravas...

To be continued...
Thanks for reading!

Yes, it must've been a boring chapter because there was really nothing more to it than what everyone's point of view is at this point..


But the next chapter is going to mark the return of both the sides and we'll finally see how everyone reacts and what karna might think of doing to fulfil bheeshm's last wish..
So stay tuned!!!

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