Chapter 4- settled resolve

Meanwhile, abhi was becoming light headed much information all at once..

Krishna got up from beside abhimanyu and gently placed his hand on abhi's shoulder

Krishna: I know it might be a lot to take in but think calmly and logically I'm sure you'll do the right thing
Krishna said with his signature calm smile

After saying that krishna exited the royal garden, leaving abhimanyu alone lost in his thoughts

Abhimanyu pov

I never thought I'd say this but I'm disappointed in pitamahi, how could she? Just how could she abandon angraj like that?! I understand she was in a tough spot but flowing her son in the ganga? She was a princess! She could've left him somewhere safe or have him adopted but flowing him?! He could've died!

As much as I detest angraj I have to agree he is one of a kind in his skill. And its probably one of the few things I admire him for but even I can't help but feel bad at what happened with him.

I can forgive pitamahi for her naiveness but not her negligence

Angraj was right in front of her! The whole time yet she chose to keep quite resulting in enmity between brothers! When she could've prevented it all

And judging by what I heard pitamahi say, it seems even angraj is anonymous to his own

But what's confusing me right now are mamashree's words "I'm sure you'll do the right thing"

What did that mean? Does mamashree want me to do something?

I know everything my mamashree says has a meaning behind it and is never pointless

But what could that mean?

Then I realised something! Mamashree said everyone on the side of adharm will have to pay and angraj is on the kauravas side, considering how loyal angraj is to yuvraj duryodhan it's unlikely angraj would join our side, and if he doesn't, the only one capable of killing him is...


And knowing mamashree, he would probably make pitashree kill angraj on the battlefield.

No matter what my feelings may be towards angraj, but he is my jyesht Tatshree and I can't let pitashree commit a sin by killing his own jyesht, I must somehow prevent this from happening!

Krishna: one of the greatest changes in this epic which will change the lives of millions has already begun taking place
Said krishna smiling to himself

Dau: *fuming* kanha, here I am scolding you for stealing all the makhan again and you are smiling huh! Even abhi is more mature than you!

Krishna:H-huh n-no dau I was smiling thinking about something else.. please let me go, I won't steal the makhan again. *puppy eyes*

Dau: ugh I hate how your puppy eyes work everytime! Fine, I'm letting you go this time but I don't want any complaints of you stealing any makhan again okay?

Krishna: yes dau!

Abhimanyu pov
After everything that happened today, I'm way too tired.

It's already been a few hours and it's time to go to bed, pitamahi has already been informed of pitashree, kakashree, and jyesht mata's arrival in a week by a servant. Since I couldn't bring myself to face her after everything I learned.

I have decided I'm going to get up tomorrow morning and think with a fresh mind on what to do first

Thanks for reading!

Abhi has finally decided he won't let his jyesht kakashree die and is going to change the end of this epic.
To know what he is going to do next, continue reading!

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