Chapter 22- kurushetra

Abhimanyu pov continues

It was mid day, the sun was shining brighter than ever

We had just arrived at the kurushetra, everyone was unloading and setting up the camp on our side of the land

We were the only ones there, the hastinapur royal family, and army was yet to arrive

I was wondering when the hastinapur army was gonna arrive when I suddenly saw a huge battalion of foot soldiers and horses and elephants march our way, carrying hastinapur flags

I saw kakashree clench his fists and jaw as if preventing himself from going to war right now

Pitashree, kakashree nakul and sahdev also had displeased looks on their faces, noticing the hastinapur army, meanwhile kakashree Yudhishtir's face stayed stoic

But my eyes frantically looked at all the warriors only wanting to find that one person...


But I couldn't see him anywhere!!

My eyes landed on angraj and pondered there for a while before spotting Kakashree duryodhan, it was quite obvious, he was the closest to angraj, had a mace in his hand and held his arrogant head high as if showing everyone he was the yuvraj, on his other side I saw another man who looked a bit older than him and the way he was standing on the chariot hinted that he was limp he also had a sly smile on his face so I identified that man as gandharaj shakuni

Another man at the front who had a deadly aura, he had a long white beard and looked old but he was strong and had certain sadness in his eyes, so that must be pitamah and the person next to him looked much like a sage but nonetheless even at that age he looked like an excellent warrior, he also seemed to be sad and disappointed, so I'm guessing that was guru dron

The person behind yuvraj duryodhan looked much like him, a prince with a strong body, he too seemed as arrogant as yuvraj so he must be dussashan, duryodhan's anuj, another person riding next to angraj and kakashree duryodhan, was almost unmistakably dron putra, panchal naresh ashwathama, the gem on his forehead made his identity almost unmistakable as there was only one such man to walk the earth who had a divine gem studded on his forehead, he was a boon from mahadev himself but by taking the side of adharm and becoming a part of duryodhan's sins he too shall meet his demise.

(Thought of putting that in since ashwathama is immortal lol😂💀)

Feeling a bit disappointed that I couldn't see vrish but a little spark of happiness also ignited in me 'does this mean vrish won't fight? I hope so!' I thought


"Pitashree? Where are you going?"

"There is a meeting between the two sides putra, it will be to set the rules of the war and some discussions"

"But didn't they just arrive?"

"Well, pitamah said to come for the meeting so me, jyesht bhratashree and the rest of the main warriors/kings will be attending"

"Can I come too pitashree?"

"No abhi you should stay here with your brothers (upandavas) we'll be back in a while"

"As you say pitashree"

I watched pitashree exiting the tent

I'm a bit disappointed I couldn't go with pitashree but there has to be someone here to set up a few of the remaining camps

But why did pitamah hold the meeting as soon as they arrived? We still need to set up a few camps and hastinapur side has barely set up a few. Whats the point of holding this meeting now, mid day? It could've been tonight instead

I sigh

Why do I care, they can hold the meeting whenever they wish

I exit my tent and go towards the tent in which jyesht mata, pitamahi, mata and uttara are in

I'm getting bored alone and my brothers are also helping ready the tents. I'll go sit with the rest of the family

I go inside the tent to be welcomed with warm smiles

"Come putra, you must be tired after the journey" said mata affectionately, making me sit beside her

"Oh subhi, my putra doesn't get tired so easily, he must be getting bored alone after everyone has left, right putra" said mata draupadi teasingly

"Yes jyesht mata you are right!"
I replied with a pout, making everyone in the room began laughing

I looked around the room, moments like these, I wish I could cherish forever.

As I was taking in the sight of my family finally together, content, happy

A guard entered, immediately silencing us

Guard: forgive me your highnesses,
(He bowed politely)
There is someone outside who wants to meet Rajkumar Abhimanyu.

The guard left after bowing once again

Me? Who wants to meet me? I thought to myself

The others in the room also looked confused, because if it was someone from our side, they wouldn't be waiting outside the camp on neutral territory

Was it someone from the kauravas side?

I shake my head clear of thoughts

"Putra lets go and see who is there"
Pitamahi said

We all left the tent and towards the entrance of our camp

My jaw fell

The most unexpected person

To be continued..

Thanks for reading!

They're finally at the kurushetra!
Abhimanyu is yet to meet his evil uncles but he surely knows how they look now. And where is vrish? Also who was that person waiting for abhi at the end? Who could it be?!?
Read more to find out!

Also I tried to make this chapter longer than usual, hope you enjoyed!

Don't forget to vote and comment💜

