Chapter 34- Promise

Abhimanyu pov

I followed pitamahi into her tent where she instructed me to sit down

I was curious as to why pitamahi was so nervous

So breaking the ice, I asked her

"What happened pitamahi, where were you coming from?"

"The kaurav camp"

That was enough to make me abruptly stand with a worried look

"Why did you go there? Are you okay?! Did they do something?!?!"

I started questioning her without stopping

"I'm fine putra, just sit down, there's something I want to tell you about"

I obeyed, eager to for her to continue

Pitamahi also sat in front of me

"I went there to meet putra karna.."

"To tell him the truth?"
I immediately asked curiously

"Well, yes that and something else"
Pitamahi said while looking down and avoiding my gaze and fidgeting with her hands

"What?" I asked impatiently

"A promise, I asked karna to promise me that he will not harm my other sons in the battle"

I leaned back in the chair with wide eyes

Is she serious! After finally meeting tatshree thats what she says?! How can someone be so shameful?! Hasn't indra dev done enough?! I can't imagine what tatshree must've been going through at that moment, your birth mother finally accepts you, only to ask for her other son's protection, how disgusting!

I fix my eyes on pitamahi with a questioning gaze, who just lowers her head and closes her eyes

After a few minutes I was finally able to say something

"Wh-what did he say"

"He promised me that he won't harm any of my sons except for arjun"

I close my eyes in agony, as if I can feel the pain tatshree is going through

How can someone be as selfless as tatshree? I'd Hate to say this but he is the most selfless person born from the most selfish mother

"He said if any of my sons get captured or disarmed, even with the opportunity, he won't kill them, his only competition would be with arjun as he cannot disappointed his friend"

Pitamahi said with guilt visible in her eyes

"I-I need to sleep, pranipat pitamahi"
I manage to choke out before quickly folding my hand and rushing out of there as fast as I can

Pitamahi didn't respond, she stayed still and slightly nodded

Tears welled up in my eyes as I almost ran to my tent

narayan knows what will happen in tomorrows war with tatshree's presence

I sleep with much difficulty that night
Constantly thinking about tatshree

Thanks for reading!

I'm so mad at kunti, but I also can't help but feel bad for karna.
What do you think will happen with karna on the battlefield tomorrow? Has abhi truly failed?
Read more to find out!

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