Chapter 33- Daanveer

Pandav camp after day 10 battle

The pandavas and abhimanyu have gathered in a tent to talk about the war

Yudhishtir: kul, dev where did you go during the battle today?

Bheem: yes you went for a while then came back, where did you go?

Sahdev: bhrata bheem, jyesht, mata had called us to heal someone

Arjun: who?

Yudhishtir: it must be someone important for mata to ask you to leave the battle
Yudhishtir stated, already thinking about who it could've been

Nakul snorted

Nakul: it wasn't anyone important jyesht, it was angraj karna
Nakul said with displeasure clearly etched on his face

Abhimanyu who was getting rather bored immediately shot his head up at karna's mention

Bheem: what?!

Arjun: angraj isn't even on the battlefield, don't tell me he got injured before he could even enter the war
This time arjun responded raising an eyebrow, looking amused

Yudhishtir: what happened to angraj?

Yudhishtir asked sahdev completely ignoring his other brothers

Sahdev: we're not sure jyesht, but his entire upper body was bleeding and the way he was injured was as if he had skinned himself
Sahdev said with a worried and confused expression

Abhimanyu had a horrified look on his face but refrained from saying anything to avoid suspicion but he too was clearly worried for his tatshree and shocked as to how something like that can happen to a warrior of his calibre

Bheem: huh, thats strange, how could he get injured like that?

Arjun: what confuses me even more bhrata, is why mata asked kul and dev to heal him? When did he become that important? Some other vaidya could've treated him, and why was mata worrying about him in the first place?
Arjun said with a frown, clearly confused

"If only I could tell you pitashree" Abhimanyu thought desperately

Krishna who had just entered the tent sat down and said

"Sometimes what we seek is right in front of us but the way we perceive it can change everything"

Arjun: you and your riddles again madhav!
Arjun whined playfully like a child

Sahdev: madhav, do you know what happened to angraj?

Abhimanyu concentrated all his attention towards his mamashree, also curious and eager to know what had happened

Before krishna could reply, bheem spoke up

Bheem: why are you so eager to know what happened to him dev? Has he managed to manipulate you too when you were treating him, like he must've done with mata
Bheem said annoyed while rolling his eyes

Abhimanyu mentally sighed and wished his kakashree would mend his relations with karna

Sahdev ignored bheem and looked at Krishna, anticipating an answer

Krishna: indra dev..

Arjun: pitashree?

Krishna: yes parth, today during karna's suryapooja, indra dev came to ask for alms disguised as a brahman, you know that karna has vowed that after his suryapooja if anyone asks for anything in daan he will provide it and would never return anyone empty handed. Similarly, indradev too asked for a daan, which happened to be his kavach, kundals and without hesitation, using a dagger, karna cut off his kundals and skinned himself to take the kavach kundals off. As he was born with them and they were attached to him, they were like a part of his body. After giving the daan, due to skinning himself, karna's upper body began to bleed profusely and his condition was so bad that not even the best vaidya's could treat him, so bua had called nakul and sahdev to treat him as they are the best vaidya's on prithvi lok

Everyone was silent, and Abhimanyu's state was the worst

Abhimanyu pov

Tatshree did that?

I had judged him too early

A person like him is rarely born, I can't even the amount of pain he had to go through, not only physically but mentally, now I truly understand why he is called Danveer

I hope he gets better soon, vrish would also be hurt to see him like that.

Even though he is injured, tatshree is still as stubborn as pitashree, I know no matter what, he'll come to fight tomorrow

Abhimanyu pov ends

Everyone else in the room was also mentally conflicted and decided to retire to their tents early, to think about what happend

Abhimanyu and krishna were the only ones remaining in the tent, they talked for a while before Abhi also decided to get some rest


While Abhimanyu was walking back to his tent thinking about karna, he saw his pitamahi returning to the pandav camp from somewhere, looking severely conflicted and agitated

She also seemed guilty and upset

Abhimanyu started walking towards her and decided to ask what happened to her, as he got closer, the tears in her eyes became clearer, he began to ask her what had happened, only to be silenced by her

She asked abhimanyu to accompany her to her tent as there is something she needs to talk about with him

Abhimanyu obediently agreed, seeing her fidgeting, nervous figure

Thanks for reading!

My first time writing a pandav scene! How was it!
What happened to kunti?
Why was she nervous and fidgety?
What do you think could've happened?
Read more to find out what was bothering her!

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