Chapter 27- mahabharat Day 3


I'm not some expert who knows exactly what happened on each day of the war so if I get anything wrong or miss something, I sincerely apologise and please correct me because I'm getting all this information of what happened on each day of the war from wikipedia

- author


Again, just like the past 2 days, the war begins again

Today the kauravas were concentrating most of their attacks on pitashree, who had to build a fortification around his chariot with an unending stream of arrows.

Meanwhile me and satyaki join forces to defeat the gandhar forces

Kakashree bheem and bhrata ghatotkach attack yuvraj duryodhan in the rear, kakashree bheem's arrow hits yuvraj duryodhan who collapses on his chariot, Yuvraj duryodhan's charioteer drives him off the battlefield, and his forces scatter

Mahamahim restores order and yuvraj duryodhan returns to lead the army

Yuvraj duryodhan becomes mad at mahamahim for his leniency towards the pandavas and speaks harshly

Afterwards mahamahim returns to the the battlefield and duels pitashree once again

And thats how the day went, once again we reigned victorious over the kauravas, something which didn't go uncelebrated

Every one at our camp was on cloud nine, after all we had defeated the kauravas for 2 days in a row

While everyone else was celebrating, I was getting impatient and wondering when pitamahi is going to fulfil her promise because after mahamahim lasting on the battlefieldfor 3 days, I know its not long before mamashree thinks of a plan to remove him for good

To be continued..

Thanks for reading!

The 3rd day of the war is done!
When will kunti fulfil her promise? Read more to find out!

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