Chapter 29- mahabharat Day 5


I'm not some expert who knows exactly what happened on each day of the war so if I get anything wrong or miss something, I sincerely apologise and please correct me because I'm getting all this information of what happened on each day of the war from wikipedia

       - author


The fifth day of the war and the pandav army constantly suffers from bheeshm's attacks

Satyaki is being beaten by dron, but bheem drives by and rescues him

Meanwhile arjun slaughters thousands of soldiers, sent by duryodhan to attack him

Bheem and bheeshm engage in a duel with no clear winner

Draupad and shikandini go to help bheem but are stopped by duryodhan's brother vikarna who attacks them and injures them badly

That was the fifth day of mahabharat in a nutshell


Abhimanyu pov

I'm growing restless, when is pitamahi going to tell tatshree?! Is it right to wait for her?!

I wish I could stop this war, but a dynasty built on the tears of women is bound to fall one day

*mental sigh

First devi amba, pitamahi gandhari and mata draupadi, is this the valour of the mighty kuru's?

I mentally scold myself for going off track and jump back to reality where uttara is looking at me weirdly

"Arya, do you have a thinking problem? Your always lost in thought? Is this a problem from birth or do you want wrinkles and grey hair before you turn 20? Stop thinking so hard and go to bed now!"

Uttara scolds me at the end

I immediately obey her without hesitation

"Hey narayan! I'm not scared of going to war but women never fail to scare me"

I think to myself before dozing off to not anger my sweet innocent wife anymore.

End of Abhimanyu pov

Thanks for reading!

I'm sorry for the short chapter as I've been sick for a few days😅
I'll try to make the next one longer!
Keep reading!

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