Chapter 43- response


So sorry for the delay in updating!😭



The majestic sabha of the kuru's is silent for the first time, the only thing audible is the frequent breathing of the people present

The women are stunned, especially yagyaseni, who did forgive Duryodhan but never expected this from him.

Dhritarashtra didn't know how to feel, he wanted his eldest to be the king of course but if his own son doesn't want to be the king then? He always tries to fulfil his son's wishes but this caught him off guard, as if their conversation in the chamber earlier wasn't shocking enough..

Karna looked at Duryodhan, proud of his friend for his bold decision, Shakuni was slightly surprised but since he had given up his quest destruction a while back and would support his nephew the best he could..

Abhimanyu who was finally relieved after so many days thought his eyes had popped out of his skull due to how shocked he was.. "couldn't things be normal and peaceful in the hastinapur sabha for once!" He thought. Now with this decision he knew the storm that was waiting, not only inside the palace walls but outside as well, because the citizens of hastinapur are still to be informed of this decision

Vidur who was also stunned, he couldn't believe what was happening, a part of him felt like it was another one of shakuni's plans, but then duryodhan seemed sincere with this decision and shakuni too seemed a bit taken aback with this decision but composed himself immediately..

The pandavas were definitely the ones who were shocked out of their wits! Even Yudhishtir who was known to keep his calm and stay composed in any situation couldn't help but feel shocked. Bheem and nakul were shocked but then thought it could be a trap however they were also confused and didn't know what to feel. Arjun was also taken aback by this decision of his cousin brother meanwhile sahdev who had foreseen the possibility of something like this happening was still feeling quite surprised.

Meanwhile, when everyone was lost in thought, krishna was smiling to himself and decided to speak up

"Why is everyone so silent? Shouldn't you be happy panduputron?"

"Vasudev, don't you think this could be trap or perhaps another cheap trick to eliminate the pandavas?"
Vidur speaks up

Karna mentally rolls his eyes at the accusation

"I don't think so mahamantri ji, if it was to eliminate the pandavas, wouldn't the best option be on battlefield? I think instead of overthinking and throwing accusations here and there, we should respect bhrata duryodhan's proposal and crown jyesht the king of hastinapur"

"I agree, I'm ready to return all the lost wealth and indraprast back as well"
Says duryodhan

The pandavas and other present on kurushetra were already promised the wealth and indraprast back so it did not bother them, but those in the sabha like vidur and Dhritarashtra were even more shell shocked
But gandhari was proud of his decision and thanked mahadev for this sudden change in suyo's behaviour

"B-but putra"
Dhritarashtra began hesitantly

"No pitashree, I'm sure of my decision, Yudhishtir will be the king of hastinapir and indraprast in fact I suggest we should merge the two kingdoms together again and Yudhishtir could govern the kingdom from hastinapur"

"Alright putra, I announce indraprast and all the wealth lost in the dyut sabha to be returned back to the pandavas and Yudhishtir to be crowned king the following week, as I wish to retire from the post of king."

The younger pandavas were elated and relieved that maybe finally everything would be peaceful and their jyesht would finally be king

While Yudhishtir simply smiled calmly

Soon the sabha was ended and everybody returned to their chambers

The citizens of hastinapur were informed of the proceedings of the sabha and while most were elated to finally have dharmraj Yudhishtir as their rightful king, others were shocked yet confused by Duryodhan's actions


Duryodhan's chambers

"Jyesht are you sure you don't want to reveal your identity to the pandavas"

"No suyo, it will only bring about unnecessary attention and drama, it's better if it remains hidden.

And since Yudhishtir will be crowned next week, I think you should try to get to know him, maybe you two will become friends! You know like the 2 eldest duo!" Karna says enthusiastically towards the end

"Seriously jyesht, you really expect me to befriend those pandavas, I will try to be civil with them but friendly? Not happening, so don't get your hopes high" Duryodhan says blankly

"Alright suyo, I'm not forcing you, but I'm just saying when Yudhishtir becomes king, you could become his advisor! After all you are well versed in political affairs, and doing such will help you be on better terms with the pandavas"
Karna says hoping to bring the cousins closer as he has promised pitamah to fulfil his last wish, which is also the reason karna thought of staying in hastinapur for a few months, to maybe help these cousins bond

"Alright jyesht, but don't expect me to be on good terms with the pandavas as that will never happen!" Duryodhan says confidently

"Yes anuj, now get some rest, I will take your leave."

Saying so karna retires to his own chambers in the hastinapur palace

Thanks for reading!

Let's see if karna will really be able to unite these cousins! Read more to find out!

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