• Chapter 40- last wish •

It was a weird day

When they were supposed to be fighting the 12th day of the battle, here they were. Packing up their respective camps to head to hastinapur

The Kauravas were delighted, first yagyaseni forgave them and now they are finally going home.. there was a feeling of emptiness after loosing so many of their brothers, but duryodhan advised them not to hold a grudge against bheem because what he did was right, first he vowed to do that when they committed the biggest sin in history and secondly it's sort of a punishment in itself for their deeds

Meanwhile, the Pandavas were in a world of their own, Yudhishtir was feeling nonetheless pleased at what happened, especially when duryodhan vowed to follow dharma, bheem is still shocked at how easily she forgave all of them but a part of him is still doubtful wether Duryodhan's apology was sincere or was it another one of his traps, Arjun had mixed emotions, should he be happy that his jyesht was finally going to be king, the rest of his sons were alive or upset that he couldn't finish of his duel with angraj which he had been so patiently waiting for 13 years?!

Nakul was much like bheem, still shocked at how draupadi could forgive the kauravas so easily, although it sounded like a trap to him too at first, he decided to listen to his jyesht Yudhishtir and not doubt duryodhan and definitely not do anything to worsen their relations. Sahdev's thoughts were almost like Yudhishtir, he was happy that duryodhan had apologised and maybe everything would be better now, he was also happy about his jyesht becoming king.

Draupadi was spending time with her children, realising the heaviness of govind's words, she didn't want to loose her children, at this point draupadi didn't feel anything for the kauravas or angraj, she didn't like them nor did she didn't hate them

Abhimanyu was feeling excited and he mentally noted to meet vrish as soon as he reaches hastinapur

While everyone was lost in their own thoughts, karna was meeting with someone, the first time... the first time they would talk properly, without any hatred without taunts and without promises and misunderstandings clouding them



"Karna" pitamah opened his eyes

"Pitamah actually-"

"I already know what happened karna. And i already know who you are"

Karna looked at pitamah shocked while he just smiled

"I've known since before the battle, thats why I didn't let you on the battlefield so you wouldn't fight your brothers"

Karna looked stunned, he didn't what to say!

"I'm proud of you karna, today, directly or indirectly you have become the reason this war has stopped, maybe I have failed as a grandfather with my constant bias towards the pandavas *bheeshm's eyes become teary...* My time is done, but you still have a lot to do, after everything you've been through, I feel ashamed to ask this putra.. will you fulfil my last wish? You're the only one I can trust, not the pandavas or the kauravas.."

If karna wasn't shocked earlier then he was now. What was pitamah's last wish and why is he the only one who he is willing to tell?! They never had a grandfather and grandson relationship then why him? Why not the precious pandavas bheeshm loved ever so dearly? Karna was curious to know what his wish would be also a bit speechless

"Yes, pitamah go on, I will try my level best to fulfil your last wish I promise!"
Karna says reassuringly as he also becomes emotional seeing his pitamah praising him for the first time

"This war, this destruction has ended but not the enmity or constant loathe between the two set of cousins, Even if there will be no war, the cousins will always be separated, not by distance or walls but the crime committed by me, by vidur and by everyone who has been unfair and unjust to the Kauravas and sowed the seeds to hate in the minds of brothers. Karna, putra my last wish is that you unite these brothers and make hastinapur a peaceful, big happy family.. And that includes you, the pandavas, kauravas and you, together, happy. I won't be there anymore to fix my mistakes but I can trust you with this responsibility, that at least once I leave this materialistic world, my family will be happy and Dharma will reign over Hastinapur.."

Karna's eyes widen

"How can I do that pitamah?"

"Oh putra you are capable of much more, this is just a small wish in front of it, I fully trust you to fulfil this wish of mine. May god bless you putra"
With that bheeshm closes his eyes

Karna silently leaves from there, thinking about what pitamah just asked him to do


The same day a few hours later, both the sides depart towards hastinapur, where their arrivals message has already been sent

It will take a while, they will most likely reach hastinapur early the next day...

To be continued...
Thanks for reading!

Everyone is finally going back to hastinapur! The war has ended! What do you think about bheeshm's last wish? Do you think karna will be able to fulfil it?

Keep reading to find out what karna does!!


I feel like this chapter is the end of the first half of the story, namely abhi trying to stop the war! From now this stories focus will be karna's journey and hurdles he faces trying to fulfil bheeshm's wish!

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