Chapter 28- mahabharat Day 4


I'm not some expert who knows exactly what happened on each day of the war so if I get anything wrong or miss something, I sincerely apologise and please correct me because I'm getting all this information of what happened on each day of the war from wikipedia

- author


Today was no different, instead mahamahim bheeshm comands the kaurava army to move on the offensive

The kaurava army forms a chakravyuh, which I enter, only to be surrounded and attacked by the kaurava princes, pitashree joins in to help me

Kakashree bheem has solely been focusing on the kauravas, and even managed to kill 8 of the kaurav brothers, in return, yuvraj duryodhan sends a huge force of elephants at kakashree bheem who leaves his chariot and attacks them singlehandedly with his mace, in result, the elephants scatter and stampede the kaurav forces

Yuvraj duryodhan orders an all out attack on kakashree bheem who gets struck by an arrow in the chest by rajkumar dushaasan, and sits down on his chariot dazed

Our army once again wins the battle

End of Abhimanyu pov


Kaurava camp

Duryodhan pov

Ughhh I don't get it!
How can those pandavas win!
We're supposed to win!
My army is larger!

And, and that bheem..
How dare he kill my brothers! I will kill him!

Duryodhan says while stomping around and throwing stuff here and there in his tent

Duryodhan angrily makes his way to pitamah bheeshm's tent


"Pitamah, how can this happen when you are our senapati! How can those pandavas win 3 days in a row! Or is it because you're being lenient towards your favourite grandsons, answer me pitamah! Have you forgotten about your oath? Your duties?"

"Murkh duryodhan, I haven't forgotten my dharma but it seems you have forgotten your sins you have committed. Have you forgotten what happened in the dyut? This is your punishment for it"

"You speak as if you weren't present there yourself pitamah! The pandavas are also at fault for staking draupadi in the first place! Then why does everyone blame me! Draupadi insulted me and pitashree, the pandavas took our weapons away when I was protecting my friend, why didn't anyone say anything to them then! Why does everyone only see my mistakes!
Duryodhan argued, frustrated

Pitamah lowers his head

"You are right duryodhan, thats why this war is happening, I shall also pay for staying silent, but you, you should apologise to yagyaseni, ask forgiveness from her and the pandavas, return everything that they lost and prevent this war, because the
Pandavas are on dharma's side and so they shall reign victorious in this battle"

"NEVER!" Duryodhan roared

"I will die but not ask for forgiveness, is it my fault Yudhishtir staked draupadi? Is it my fault Yudhishtir lostย  his kingdom and wealth? NO! It's not my fault! Pitamah you yourself made the rules, tell me did I break any of the rules?! I shall die but not be remembered as the coward who asked for forgiveness and stopped the battle once he knew it would be hard to win, I started this battle, and I won't stop it!"

"Pitamah, either you fight with your whole strength or allow me to bring my mitra karna on the battlefield! He will fight for me if you can't! Just for you he isn't fighting and I trust my mitra more than anyone! He's the only one who didn't view me as a bad omen after my mother!"

Duryodhan angrily marched out of pitamah's tent

Thanks for reading!

4th day of the war complete! First time I'm writing from duryodhan's pov! How was it? Be sure to read the next chapter!

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