Chapter 38- uncertainty

Back at the pandav camp

It's quite late, everyone is getting ready to head to sleep. Meanwhile in Abhimanyu's tent

Abhimanyu pov

Did yuvraj Duryodhan receive my letter? Why isn't anything happeneing?! I thought yuvraj duryodhan might call off the war, but everything is the same as the last few days! Everyone is going to bed, to fight tomorrow! Did my efforts really go in vain? I need to see mamashree right now! Maybe I made a mistake..

With that I rush out of my tent and enter mamashree's tent

"Mamashree..." I call out cautiously, but no one replies..

Maybe mamashree is asleep.. but I need to talk to him right now!

I try to navigate throughout the tent in the dark, hoping to reach mamashree's bed in this pitch black darkness

"Looking for someone abhi?" Someone enthusiastically asks me from behind

"Hey narayan! Mamashree! Must you always call out from behind me.." I say startled

As if realising mamashree's presence, light from chandradev suddenly enters the tent through a window, making it easier to see the entire tent and mamashree's face clearly

"What brings you here so late abhi?"
Mamashree smiles mischievously

Even though I know mamashree already knows everything, not in the mood to argue, I quickly narrate everything that has happened to him

"Hmm it seems you've also grown smarter in my presence.." mamashree says playfully, commenting on me keeping my word but still telling yuvraj duryodhan

"But I did the right thing... right mamashree?" I ask worried

"How am I supposed to know?" Mamashree innocently shrugged his shoulders

"Please mamashree! I know you can answer me" I say pleading

"I can't say what is going inside yuvraj duryodhan's head. But one thing is for sure, you will see if what you've done is right or not, in tomorrow's battle"

My shoulders drop "battle?" So there is going to be a battle tomorrow..

"Go to bed for now abhi" mamashree suggests

I Absentmindedly make my way back to my tent

Must mamashree really be so suspenseful! I complain to myself before laying down on my bed, while attempting to sleep, but it seems nidra devi was not merciful on me that night...

End of Abhimanyu pov


While everyone was sleeping in the pandav camp, the kaurav camp was rejoicing, still late at night but no one wanted to sleep.

Duryodhan had decided that he would propose the idea of peace and his withdrawal at tomorrow's battle, before the battle could begin ofc

Karna's pov

Everyone was celebrating the end of the war, only I was feeling confused and shocked. It all started when suyo told me the eagle was completely white. And I know that the only kingdom in aryavart that has completely white eagles is Dwarka

Which means that it could've only been from 3 people at the pandav camp: Subhadra, Abhimanyu and vasudev

Subhadra is out of the question almost immediately and vasudev already knew, but I don't see why vasudev would tell suyo, if he wanted to he could've told suyo from the start, not after this destruction and it would also cause a problem in his dharmstapana

So the only one remaining is Abhi

I still can't wrap my head around the fact that abhi always knew who I was.. but then I'm forced to question "did he?" Has he always known or was it something he learned during the war?

I need to have a word with him after we settle everything tomorrow..

Everyone in the kaurav camp knew about my truth now... well except for the common soldiers of course

Putra vrish was the one who was particularly happy, but then who could blame him?

Vrishasen's death hasn't been easy on any of us, but after this war's ended, I have a feeling that everything will finally fall into place again.. I hope

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!

How do you feel about where the story is going?! What will the pandavas reaction to suyo's withdrawal?
Keep reading to find out!

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