Chapter 7

Anakin stared at Ahsoka blankly.

"What? Master Koon was the only one here," he said, squinting at the younger child. He swore that the moment he thought he had figured her out, she would just change his mind yet again.

"I know," she started, a smug smile on her features. "But I also know that Master Ti likes him. And he likes her. They just won't admit it." Anakin shook his head violently for a second, staring wide-eyed at Ahsoka. He knew she had a father-daughter relationship with the Kel-dor, so it wouldn't be that surprising if she knew he liked her, but how she had managed to place it was beyond him.

"What? How do you even know? I mean, it's not like they-"

"They're around each other the whole time." Ahsoka joined in with Anakin, confirming the statement.

"Wait. So they are around each other all the time?" The boy asked, an eyebrow raising in confusion.

"Yep! Well, most of the time. Whenever they are in close quarters Master Ti... erm... Do you still call it blushing if the stripes darken? No one ever tells me. Anyways, she gets quite nervous and shy, and then Plo-Plo cracks some joke that I can't ever figure out, and then she gets flustered and walks off. Well, more like runs off." She explained, shrugging. "So, I figure they like each other. And I'm almost a hundred percent positive the Force did that one. So...."

"So, what? Wait a second..."

"So... Are we going to-"

"Anakin! Ahsoka!" Obi-wan shouted, cutting the young girl off. "Get over here! We have some practicing to do!" The togruta huffed, crossing her arms and shuffling over to the master.

"Wait! Ahsoka! You never told me- ugh," he groaned. She shot a cheeky smile at him before turning and running to Obi-wan, leaving Anakin to sulk over his incompetence at figuring out what she was going to say. He figured that she wouldn't tell his master, considering Anakin himself was having a hard time getting it out of her. How was it that the Chosen One could blow up an entire star station, yet he couldn't understand a little girl- one he was bonded to, no less- when the entire puzzle was laid out in front of him.

Soon, the matter was forgotten as he watched Ahsoka attempt to block the bolts, redirecting them to nearly hit Kenobi. The entire time, she was shrieking with laughter, attempting to stop redirecting them to the master. However, her attempts were futile, and eventually Obi-wan turned it off so he could catch a break. The little girl collapsed to the floor, shaking with the giggles that were still spilling out of her mouth. Anakin walked over to her after checking to make sure his master was okay. He dropped to his knees beside her before giving into the laughter coursing through his body. In his mind, there was nothing funnier than his master, the great Obi-wan Kenobi, running around, trying to evade a little girl. Granted, that little girl happened to be quite fierce with a practice lightsaber in the Shien Grip, but it was still totally hilarious.

"So. Are you going to tell me?" Anakin asked after the giggles died down, and they were just left short of air.

"Nope! Wait. If I don't tell you, you won't ever figure it out, will you?" Ahsoka asked, peering up at the boy from her spot on the floor. He blushed a crimson, his entire face covered with the glorious color that was spreading down to his neck.

"Probably not. I still can't figure out how you even figured out that they liked each other." Anakin admitted, and seeing that she was about to crack, laughter shaking her shoulders, he glared, tackling the smaller girl.

"Think it's funny now?" He asked, trailing a hand up and down her side in places that he knew were ticklish. She shrieked in laughter, squirming to try to get out of his grasp to no avail. After a few minutes, she surrendered and Anakin gave her a hug, pulling her to his chest. She sighed at the contact before freezing, her eye markings knitted together in deep thought.

"What're you thinking about?" Ahsoka looked up to him as if she was completely serious on the situation.

"I think I figured it out. And it's ridiculously stupid that no one has before me." She went back to the land of her brain (a scary place for a five-year-old), and Anakin grew confused. He poked her side playfully, pulling her back from her thoughts.

"Care to enlighten me about this great discovery, Snips?" He asked, curious.

"Well... I guess... You promise not to tell?" She pleaded, her lips forming a pout, and her eyes becoming more puppy-dog-ish. He sighed.

"Okay, I won't tell. I wasn't planning on it anyways." Ahsoka bit her lip, montrals flushing to a nearly black color as she spilled the beans.

"I-I just... I always feel so happy and safe when I'm touching you, but I just never know why. I-I guess i-it would be because of the bond... thing, but now that I think about it, Plo-Plo's jokes were always accompanied by a playful pat or side hug, as strange as it sounds. But I don't know how he can go so long without- WAIT A SECOND!" She shouted, causing Obi-wan to whirl around from his spot by the devices he was replacing, and Anakin to flinch with the pain in his ears. Ahsoka covered her mouth, waving at the master before turning back to the boy beside her. Anakin still had his fingers jammed in his ears, and she rolled her eyes.

"ARE WE CLEAR OF LOUD SOUNDS?" Anakin shouted, causing Obi-wan to spin around yet again, only to find that the kids were just being silly. He shook his head, turning back to the devices, and Ahsoka glared at him, yanking his hands from his ears.

"Well, what I got was that Plo isn't affected by it because he doesn't know! So, we have to get him to know!" She said excitedly.

"Look at you, tiny, meddlesome cupid." Anakin shook his head, a smile on his face. "We start tomorrow."


YAY! I'm a whole day early! Well, I still plan on updating again tomorrow, but I have some great ideas for the next chapter now! YAY!

So... Comment? Or read? :D

Thanks for sticking with me for so long guys (and girls)!

