Chapter 23

It was quiet, calm. Skynodey's face was straight, having shown no emotion since yesterday when Collin had managed to get her to smile.

The current date was the day of Siana's 'funeral'.

Actually, only she was having a 'passing ceremony' as she called it. Skynodey and her sister had held a passing ceremony for their mother and father, as well as their brother. He had been force sensitive too; he simply hadn't made it off of Shili before being attacked by some of the natural predators.

As she sat there, drawing in the dirt of the ground of the Room of a Thousand Fountains, she couldn't help but sigh. Her eyes were downcast, staring at the small, white daisy in the middle of the little ring she had drawn around it. Skynodey couldn't help but think about what the know-it-all boy had said the day before.

"I just don't know if nothings wrong anymore, Collin."

"Me neither, Sky."

The girl simply stared at the flower, no longer surprised at the appearance of the boy. It seemed he would show up wherever she was regardless if she wanted him to or not. She could hear the faint plop of Collin sitting down next to her.


The clone turned his head to face her, eyebrows scrunching in confusion.

"What do you mean 'why'?" He asked skeptically.

"Why do you even care, Collin? I mean, I know you kind of have to because of the force, one except Sian- my sister has ever really cared... and now she's gone, so..." No tears fell from her eyes, her voice remaining strong, as if her twin sister hadn't recently passed. Collin didn't respond, his hand carefully reaching out to lay over her blue one, stopping her idle tracing in the dirt.

"I don't know." She sighed.

"That's reassuring."

"I mean... you're different than all the others." Skynodey didn't answer at first, simply looking at him with a very unimpressed gaze.

"Really? If I recall, no one could tell my sister and I apart. The one who wasn't me was her. The one who wasn't my sister was me. That's the way it has always been."

Collin's gaze softened as he looked at her.

"You know, I could tell you apart."

"How would I ever know? It's not like you ever came up to us and said, 'Hey, I know who's who'."

"Yeah, but I have known. For a while now, actually. You... you laugh more, and you're more mischievous than her. You don't stay as still as she does... You're eyes are bluer... prettier..." The last word was simply whispered, but she caught it all the same. Her montral stripes darkened considerably.

"I-I'm not p-pretty!" She stuttered, jerking her hand away from his. He grinned.

"Yeah, and you look like a little princess."

A magnificent blush covered her face, and she felt a teeny smile cover her lips.

"There's that smile."

Just as suddenly as it came, it left her face, and she looked over to the flower again.

"My sister... she and I made a promise... when one of our family members died, we would plant something for them. A sort of... memorial, then we wouldn't forget." A bitter laugh left her.

"Funny how we always thought that we'd plant it together."


It was cold.

The boy wasn't awake.

He hadn't been awake since that one day.

It was slightly strange; he hadn't been doing anything different, and then he was suddenly knocked out on the ground.

The Nightsisters hadn't been in touch with him for ages, and Sidious naturally didn't care for his fate, so he was left there, hardly breathing on the ground.

That was when the cold invaded.

He knew it was important; at least, he would have known had he been conscious, but he was only trapped in his sub-conscious, watching something.

A vision was playing in his mind, but it was so real, it couldn't have been just a fantasy.

Why would he dream about someone else becoming the person he wanted to be?

He watched it deliberately blocking his mind from seeing the Jedi that were obviously present. He hated the Jedi.

A togrutan girl floated into his mind, a memory long forgotten, at least until that moment.

"Madd-ox," a high voice whined playfully. A pair of ice-blue arms floated into his vision, and he looked down to see an equally blue face peering up at him with an amused annoyance.

"An-a," he mimicked back to her, holding an item above his head. It was a small plush tooka, purple in color, with shining amber eyes. His red-and-black arms held it high as she reached uselessly up at his hands. He would let his arms down a little bit, just low enough for it to appear that she could reach it, before yanking it up as she leaped for it.

"Maddox, give it back!" She was obviously upset now, no longer amused, and she growled at his smug face. He didn't respond, just grinning at the girl, but she seemingly cracked and let out a ferocious war-cry and zipped up to his hand, flipping before landing merely milliseconds after. He stood shocked, watching her innocent expression as she cuddled the toy.

"I told you I wanted it back." She sassed happily before walking off, out of the stone courtyard the two had been in.

"And I told you that you'd be able to do it." He muttered after she had gone, watching her retreating form in awe.

He tried to forget the image of the girl. Soon after that, she had been taken by the Jedi. After that he had been taken by some old man, trained to become something that hated the Jedi. His mind floated back to his vision, and his heart dropped. That girl was being cut down by some monster in a mask. Monster seemed to be the only way to describe it; he was tall, huge even, and he was chopping the girl from his memories down. She was older, yes, but he could still recognize her face. She was more mature, and something about her was... different. He peered at the image more in detail, and he noticed a mark going up her arm. She didn't appear to be as lonely as she looked when he had seen her leaving. It was as if part of her had been reconnected with her.

Oh Siana, I will find you.


If it's the last thing I do.


I'm not going to even bother to apologize. You all probably know that I haven't updated in forever, yadda yadda yadda. So I'll just skip it.

Read? Comment? Guess who Mr. Mystery is? ;)

