Chapter 12

Okay, I'm sad. They are going to be older from this point on. :'( Oh well, they won't be that old yet. (And I'm trying the picture thing. Do you all like it?)


Ahsoka kicked her feet carelessly from her position lying on her stomach on a meditation mat. Her fingers were twiddling with spare scraps of flimsy and some sticky-tape. She had been at it for a while, but she couldn't care less. This was the one day of the week that she didn't have Jedi training or any lessons, and most of all, she had been left alone.

No Obi-wan.

No Luminara.

No Shaak Ti.

No Plo-Koon.

And no Anakin.

Actually, the last one made her slightly... sad, but she was okay. She wasn't some lost puppy, and she definitely wasn't Anakin's pet, as some of the younglings and padawans liked to say. Ahsoka was nine now, she was way too old to follow him around like she had when she was four, five, and six. And, she really didn't feel like freezing outside at the moment. Her hands had almost been frostbitten the last winter she had been on Shili, because her tribe had moved toward the poles, and many had died- including her parents.

Ahsoka didn't really remember her parents; she was too little to really remember much, all she knew was that the empty space in her heart had been overridden by Plo-Koon, Kenobi, Luminara, Shaak Ti, and especially Anakin. She hadn't had any siblings, but Anakin was more than a brother to her, more like a best-best-best-best-best-best friend ever in the entire galaxy.

"Whatcha up to?" Ahsoka jumped, her head whipping around and arms coming up to shield herself, when she stopped, her face breaking into a huge smile.

"Skyguy!" She shouted, jumping up and tackling him in a hug, almost knocking him to the floor. Nope. She wasn't too old for that. The thirteen-year-old boy grinned, picking her up and spinning her around. He was five-foot-five now, and he was quite strong, able to pick up a four-foot girl easily. Actually, she was three-foot-nine, but who was counting? Certainly not Anakin...

"Hello, Snips," he lightly pinched her montral and she yelped, spinning around and lightly slapping his shoulder.

"Stop. Doing. That!" Anakin just laughed, and Ahsoka saw his hand in the corner of her eye, her hand raising to slap it away with an irritated growl.

"See? This is why I don't like you anymore," she teased before turning around and falling gracefully to the floor- minus the gracefully. The boy behind her had his hand to his mouth, trying to stifle a laugh, while she rolled her eyes with an irritated huff. As much as she wished knock-back worked in this kind of situation, it didn't- the force knew they were playing, and neither were getting hurt.

As the Chosen One tried to walk around the togruta, and she grabbed his ankle, causing him to fly forward, doing a roll, and landing promptly on his butt. Ahsoka snickered, her face coated in amusement, while Anakin had a complete pout on his face. She crawled over to him, sitting in front of the boy who was refusing to look at her. Her orange fingers pressed into his cheeks, drawing the corners of his lips up in a smile. She grinned at his ridiculous look, a slight giggle escaping her lips.

"Oh, you think it's funny, do you?" He growled slightly, glaring at the younger girl before tackling her and tickling her sides and neck. She howled with laughter, salty tears starting to stream from her eyes as she did so.

"S-Stop! I sur-surrender!" Ahsoka laughed out, her breathing heavy when he stopped. A grin had made its way onto his tan face as he watched his bond-mate laugh, exposing his pearly white teeth. Anakin bent and wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her up and holding her against his chest. She slowly stopped laughing and hugged him back, expecting him to let her go, but he never did. Ahsoka frowned. This had been happening a lot since the boy had turned thirteen.

And it was in a cycle.

1) He would try to distance himself from her.

2) He would fail.

3) He would come and say 'hi'.

4) He would hug her.

5) He wouldn't let go.

And it repeated. Over and over and over again. And, she was positive he wasn't sleeping much, and if he did, he wouldn't touch her at night.

Ahsoka suddenly felt his arms tighten, and they kept tightening. She gasped for breath, trying to grasp the little bit of oxygen she could.

"A-Anakin- I- can't- breath!" He loosened his grip on her, backing away and rubbing the back of his flushed neck. His face had turned a shade of pink, and he looked kind of embarrassed.

"Sorry." He said softly before turning and trying to leave the quarters. Ahsoka growled and jumped up, upset that he was leaving after trying to avoid her for the entire day. She stepped in front of him, her arms crossed. He tried to step around her, and she heard a slight whisper in her mind, evidence of sleep loss on his part.

'I just don't... be around her.'

Her heart dropped through her chest, tears welling in her eyes. Why? Why? Why didn't Anakin want her around?

"So, you're finally bored of me, huh, Skyguy?" She forced herself to swallow her tears, her voice unwavering. He froze, slowly turning around. Ahsoka's face was hard as stone, her arms still crossed, and Anakin couldn't bring himself to look at her.

"So you don't want me around anymore?"

"No, I guess I don't." His words stung, and she turned around, rubbing her left arm and biting her lip.

"Why? What did I do?" She whispered. "What'd I do to get deserted again?" Her voice failed as she finished, a tear rolling silently down her cheek. She felt a softly calloused hand grasp her back lekku, and she tore herself away from him.

"You didn't... You didn't do anything."

"Then what?!? Why do you keep leaving me? I know it's not for training anymore, Master Kenobi can't find you either."

"I just..."

"You just WHAT exactly? Quit toying with my emotions Skywalker! Just tell me! Or just-"

"I've said! It's not you, you didn't do anything. It's what they say. They say bad things about you, Ahsoka! They say bad things about me, too, but they can't just bash up you! It's not okay! And if I'm not around, they won't attack you. I DO want you around! I-" He choked up, stepping forward and pulling the girl to his chest again, tears pooling in his eyes. She felt relief lift off of her, before she melted into his arms, the tears in her eyes falling and staining his padawan uniform.

And from a crack in the door, a *click* sounded, and a person slunk away into the dark.


*Yawns* Okayyy. I'm getting the feels. And I wrote the chapter.


What's wrong with this picture?

Alright, well, Comment? Vote? Read this feels monstrosity?

-Flaming Starbird
