Chapter 17

Ahsoka's breath came in pants, her shoulders and back raw with pain. Apparently, Vent-whatever-her-name-was exhausted her other punching bag and had to retire to her. She really didn't envy whoever else was being used like that; Ahsoka was positive that she had become a togrutan punching bag or target or both. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead and back, stinging the open slashes all over her body. While they weren't really deep, they did hurt, and Ahsoka didn't think she would be able to leave anytime soon through the vent.

At last, the pain started to dull, becoming a throbbing sensation at the back of her mind. The small togrutan girl pulled herself up, a growl bubbling at the back of her throat. No one, NO ONE insults a Togrutan Warrior that way and gets away with it. Actually, a Togrutan Warrior-Jedi, and Ahsoka wasn't going to be held captive any longer. If the others weren't coming to get her, she was going to go find them.

Her big, baby-blue eyes eyed the vent.

Yep. She was getting out of there.


Anakin swallowed the lump in his throat as pain started stinging his back. It happened every couple days when the force-suppressors wore off of Ahsoka, causing their bond, weak as it was, to open and share her feelings, pain, and-

Her location!

His head shot up, and his mouth was left gaping. Why hadn't he thought of using the bond when the moment came? He quickly remembered; the link always closed on him when he tried to communicate with her, so why would it let him trace her location? Anakin pulled on the silver, translucent string that was his bond with Ahsoka, and he reached into it, trying desperately to make a connection.


Nothing. His heart nearly stopped, and his shoulders drooped as his eyes lowered. She wasn't going to respond.


Anakin nearly had a heart attack as the voice entered his mind. She was alright! In pain, but alright. He jumped to respond, his thoughts tumbling over one another.

Where are you? Are you okay? I was so worried, I still am worried, why aren't-

SKYGUY! She shouted over the mind-link, and he sheepishly answered.

Yes? He could literally see the exasperated look on her face.

I'm fine. And I'm on some kind of ship. I've only just gotten out of the cells, so just try to trace my signature, please! And... She stopped suddenly, and Anakin's eyebrows creased in confusion.

And what? He prodded. It was about a minute before she answered, and he was sure she had gotten caught and her force connection would be lost again. Obi-wan had come into the cockpit at that time, and was silently looking at the young padawan as he fished around in his mind.

I lo... Just be careful, An. She sighed over the connection, and he felt her apprehension growing in the force. There was a small period of silence before he answered her.

When am I not, Snips?

I'm not even going to- Uh oh.

What? He stopped, growing increasingly worried as she ceased to respond.

Trace me fast, Anakin! I might not be able to communicate much longer.

Anakin sat down, quickly settling into a meditative stance and hurriedly grasping onto the tendril tighter, following it for as far as he could. There were a few cracks in the strand, and he was worried that she might not be able to be found, but soon he was able to see the fiery little ball of light that was Ahsoka. He almost lost concentration as she wavered in her hold on the string, and a wave of pain rushed over the damaged bond. Anakin grimaced, before focusing harder and slipping up against her presence, focusing in on her location.

"Tatooine!" He shouted, his eyes popping open. It took a few moments for him to register what he had said. Tatooine. Every. Single. Time!

"What?" Obi-wan's voice cut through his thoughts, and he jumped, head snapping up to look at him.

"She's in Tatooine's orbit, at least," he said through clenched teeth. Anakin detested that dust ball for obvious reasons, but he knew he'd go there to save her. It seemed that every time he left that planet, he always wound up back there.

Obi-wan raised an eyebrow, eyeing his young padawan curiously.

"Tatooine?" The boy nodded solemnly, fists clenching around the seat's armrests.

"Yeah. Tatooine."


DUN DUN DUUUUUUN! Okeydokey, I finished on Wednesday because I didn't update Sunday. I've been really bad about it, so you might not see a schedule on the book page anymore. I'm sorry for the lack of organization, but I will make sure I get you guys at least one chapter per week, if not more. :)

I also want to thank you all for the nice comments! It really makes my day when I see that you all are enjoying my writing. :D So thanks again!

Read? Comment?

-Flaming Starbird
