Chapter 41

Ahsoka was sweating, tears of pain making their way down her flushed face, yet she made no noise. Her bond-mate lay broken on the floor, his body bruised and twisted in unnatural positions. He was gone, and she knew it.

The ones across from her were not friends- not anymore. She recognized them vaguely, their lekku and montrals identical, their face-markings white and their skin angry. Next to them stood two men, those of who she didn't recognize, but one held a resemblance to one she knew well, the one broken at her feet. The other was black and red and his face held a cruel, cold smile, one arm wrapped around one of the girls' waist. 

"YOU!" She shrieked, although she couldn't remember thinking the words, or opening her mouth to say anything.

One of the men, the red and black one, cackled, running his taloned fingers over the stomach of one of the togruti girls. The other man smiled in an almost melancholy manner, shrugging and raising his saber, the girl at his side leaning up to peck his cheek before grinning at Ahsoka.

Taunting her with what she couldn't ever have again seemed to be their specialty.

They ran forward all at once, red sabers raised, ready to strike her, but she didn't move.

She couldn't.

Then a scream wrenched itself from her throat and she threw herself upright, heaving breaths of air and looking around, baby blue eyes wild.

Real tears streamed down her face silently as the one sleeping beside her woke and sat next to her, arms around her waist. They sat like that for a while before Anakin hauled the girl into his lap and whispered gently into her montrals.

"It's okay, Ahsoka. We're together, we're fine."

She never spoke back on nights like this one, but the dream was so vivid, so real... she didn't think she could fall asleep again without seeing that dreadful picture before her. 

The togruta curled her fingers around Anakin's hands. His body almost completely enveloped hers, and she felt safe.

She could tell Anakin felt protective - he was gripping their bond again - and she wrenched his grasp free. He gasped for air, as if someone had just punched him in the stomach, and Ahsoka shushed him, reaching up and running a hand through his hair.

The man stilled, calming when he realized he could feel Ahsoka more clearly through the bond now, and he relaxed his grip on his smaller bond mate. She was much smaller than him, five feet and five inches now, but she fit comfortably against his six feet and two inches frame. 

Anakin laid back against the bed, pulling Ahsoka down with him. She didn't move from her spot against his chest, his chin resting in between her montrals. 

"Sleep, 'Soka," he mumbled. His breath ghosting over her headtails soothed her, reminded her that he was still there, still with her. She nuzzled against his arm, feeling his hand rub up against her face in a gentle motion.

With that, the little togruta fell fast asleep.


Hey guys!

I can't seem to keep an update schedule, or even just update once a week, so here's a little chapter to say sorry.

