Chapter 6

Ahsoka skipped merrily alongside Anakin and Obi-wan as they made their way to the training grounds. She had been excused from classes with the other younglings, instead getting 'homework' so she could keep near the boy and still learn. The two had been super enthusiastic about being able to stay together, both to avoid being sick and to have time with a friend. Luminara had agreed to help the young girl so Obi-wan could focus on teaching Anakin. However, the two children had a hunch that it was just so she could be nearer to Obi-wan.

In any case, Ahsoka was glad to be away from the abusive younglings, and Anakin was glad to be around someone who wouldn't make a fuss about him being the 'Chosen One'. He watched the little togruta hop around merrily, looking at the little cracks in the walls or other Jedi. At one point she tripped over someone's boot, before picking herself up and looking up. A huge smile bloomed on her face as she looked up at the mask of the fatherly Kel-dor Jedi.

"Plo-Plo!" She chirped happily, hugging his legs. It was only then she realized they had made it to a training room. Anakin and Obi-wan were ignoring her while she stood just outside the door.

"Hello, Little 'Soka," Plo Koon, the Kel-dor, bent down and picked her up, smiling behind his mask. "What are you up to? Don't you have classes?" She shook her head gleefully.

"Nope! Master Unduli's teaching me now. Something about bonding and the mean younglings. I only know I got really sick after leaving for classes, and then I wake up to people carrying me to the Halls of Healing. I really didn't want to see Anakin, and then they made me touch him and I felt better. I'm still confused," Ahsoka rambled, too focused on the words coming out of her mouth to notice the Kel-dor had basically frozen on the spot. Before she knew what was going on, she found herself inside the training room standing next to Plo-koon.

"Hello, Master Koon. Is there something you need?" Kenobi asked, standing up from his spot kneeling by Anakin as he attempted to set his feet in a stance for combat. The young boy was too short for his legs to set in the right spots, so they had to adjust everything.

"Actually, I had a question, if it's not too much trouble," Plo said, noting that Ahsoka was sitting on the edge of the room, watching Anakin as he deflected bolts from a little, spherical droid. Slightly curious, Obi-wan just nodded, telling the Kel-dor to continue.

"Bonding. Are they...?"

"Yes. Quite unusual, but at this point I'm not sure anything we've been told about attachment is correct. The force wouldn't bond beings without a reason, and that comes with attachment. Seeing as those two can't seem to get away from each other, whether they wanted to or not, I don't know why the council doesn't just lift the rule for people, and just leave it at things." The human said, looking fondly over at Ahsoka and Anakin. Plo just nodded, humming in agreement.

"How is Luminara?" He asked distractedly, still looking at the two children. Obi-wan's head snapped over to him, and his mouth opened and closed over and over again.

"Don't tell me you haven't seen her?"

"No, no... that's not... how did you even know?" Kenobi asked.

"It's plainly obvious. You could tell a mile away with the way you look at her."

"Darn." The word was muttered, but it left both men chuckling softly. As they turned back to look at the children, they were startled to see the kids standing less than a foot away from them.

"Darn what?" They chorused, glaring at each other before laughing. The adults shook their heads, and Anakin looked up to the Kel-dor curiously.

"Master Koon? Did I get it right?" He asked. Plo nodded, bending down to give the little girl a hug before standing again.

"I should get going. I have a meeting to attend, see you all soon." With that, the master strode out of the room, leaving a smug looking Ahsoka in his wake. Anakin looked at her suspiciously, noticing the quiet demeanor of his friend.

"What was that about?" He asked, ignoring Ahsoka for the moment.

"It's nothing to worry about. Now, what level did you get to, Padawan?" Anakin's face turned bright red as he shuffled a foot on the ground.

"Uh... three? I accidentally put it out of commission. Too many stunning bolts hit it, I wasn't sure if I was just blocking or re-directing..." Sure enough, the little device sat smoking on the ground, pieces of it sticking out in awkward angles.

"Well. Why don't we see how well Ahsoka can do with another one. It won't be as strong, but it should do the trick," Obi-wan decided, going to grab one of the devices out of a bin. Moments later he returned to see Ahsoka still standing in the same spot she was when Plo-koon left.

"Ahsoka? Ahsoka? Anakin, can you get her?" The boy nodded, walking over to his friend. He poked her, and the devilish smile returned to her features.

"What?" He asked.

"So, what do you think of Plo-Plo and Master Ti?"


Well. Done. Sorry about it being a tad shorter than the others, I couldn't get the idea to work as well as I thought it would. :/

Does anyone have any ideas for any chapters? I could use some, any ideas would be useful!

Comment? Vote? Read it? :D

