Chapter 32

Shaak Ti was upset, which is a feat that takes a lot to do. However, in this moment, she was upset because she couldn't feel Plo at the other side of their bond. As worrying as that was, she was stuck on Kamino with the clones, and even though she knew that was important, Shaak Ti was fighting the urge to get on a ship and go find him.

The council hadn't given her news about him either, and it was as if he had simply fallen off the galaxy.

That thought alone had kept her up countless nights now, and it was definitely showing. Even the younger clones, the ones only about four years physically, had noticed.

"Miss Ti?" One of the little clones had said, running up to the Jedi master and grabbing her leg. She had jumped when the child touched her, which was incredibly uncommon, and the little clone stepped back.

"Are you okay, Miss?" Shaak Ti had smiled, saying she was alright before asking what the small clone needed.

It was cute, she supposed, but it was a litter frightening that she looked so out of it that even the more oblivious clones were noticing. Soon the kaminoans would notice and send her back to the Jedi temple because they couldn't have a sick togruta among their clones, as that could cause them a lot more money. The latter part only sickened Shaak Ti more, and she resolved to stop worrying so much. She would know if he had died. She would feel it.

So, with that thought in mind, she gracefully walked away.


Anakin was scared.

What is even crazier is the person causing him to be scared.

His padawan. The small togruta was kind of upset right now, her sharp canine teeth showing slightly, her body tensed and seeming killer instincts ready to attack

She growled something really quietly, Plo-Koon taking his chance to leave, leaving Anakin to fend for himself.

"Anakin. We need to talk."

*five minutes later*

Anakin scratched the back of his neck, face flaming hot in embarrassment.

"I'm not getting attacked by the clones, Master!" She frowned, her face a little warm with the amount she had been yelling.

"Well, what am I supposed to think?!" He retaliated, trying to defend himself. Ahsoka raised her eyemarkings, not amused.

"Master. Really? If they did attack me, I could kick their butts. It's not that hard. Plus, I'm small. I can fit into vents."

"That's what I'm worried about!"

"What, that I can fit into vents?" He sighed, his face even warmer than it was before.

"That you're so small!"

There. He said it. His padawan was small. And, naturally, his bond meant he was driven to protect her because she was small. She wasn't full grown, and she definitely wasn't big enough to protect herself against larger people, at least in his mind.

Her anger flared again.

"So you think I'm incapable of protecting myself?!"

That was when he realized it. She only wanted him to approve of her fighting skills. The entire time she had been yelling, she had been scaring him, which was exactly what she had wanted. She wanted to prove herself capable of fighting bigger, scarier people, and by being scary herself, she thought that she could prove it.

"Ahsoka. I don't think you're capable of defending yourself."

She looked up at him, hurt laced in her features, her baby blue eyes wide with pain.

"I know you are."

Ahsoka let a small smile slip onto her face before it was overrun by confusion.

"Then why did you-"

"I didn't want them to hurt you. I know you can protect yourself, it's just.... Somewhere, deep inside, I don't.... I don't want to let you go. I'm kind of supposed to protect you, you know?"

"Actually, no. I don't feel like I need to protect you at all times. You're big enough to-"

"Exactly. You're small. I just feel like I need to always be there to protect you because your small, even if I know in my mind that you are perfectly capable of protecting yourself."

Ahsoka smiled at him, giggling a little. Anakin raised an eyebrow, his arms crossing his chest.


She grinned at him happily, a small bit of slyness present on her features.

"It's kinda cute."

Then, with her master's blushing and stammering distracting him, she stood on her tip-toes and promptly kissed him on the cheek before sprinting off, smile still present on her face.

"I'm safe, Skyguy!" She shouted behind her.

Anakin watched with a grin, his face still slightly red, before turning and going to work on a ship.


Hey guys! How about this fluffy ending, huh? :)

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