Chapter 31

Ahsoka decidedly hated medical droids.

Seriously, they had to have one on board and then it alerts general Grevious?

That was a while ago now, and she was sitting down next to Rex and a few other clones while Anakin talked to Plo-Koon. Since they were all in hyperspace, it wouldn't be too long until they made it back to Couracant, something she wasn't looking forward to, as she would probably get in trouble with the council.


"-mander Tano, Commander Tano, Sir?" One of the clones was waving a hand in front of her face, and Ahsoka snapped her head up to look at the clone.

"Wha-Huh?" She yelped a little, causing some of the clones to chuckle and her master to prod at their mental bond quizzically. Ahsoka blushed a little, which went unnoticed by the clones, but caused Anakin to send a rather protective signal over their bond. Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

I'm fine, Anakin.

She sent over to him, instantly calming his nerves a bit. He had been rather overprotective when it came to the clones, but he was always getting upset over the smallest things, causing Ahsoka to be more than slightly annoyed.

"She's gone again, guys."

Ahsoka's attention switched back to the clones again.

"What do you want?" She asked, idly tracing her fingers over her bonding mark. It was the original one that she got when she was only four, the small star inside of a sun. The clones shifted awkwardly, as if scared to ask, but then one of them spoke up.

"We wanted to know.... what that is, Sir."

Ahsoka raised an eyemarking. "What what is?" She asked, slightly confused.

One of the clones pointed to her wrist. "What that is, Sir."

Ahsoka smiled a little. "My bond mark." She answered, as if that told the clones the whole story. She started fiddling with her lightsaber, running her hands over it's metal hilt.

"Uh, what is a... bond-mark, sir?" Ahsoka stared at them for a moment before it dawned on her.

"Oh," she laughed for a second before pulling it together and trying to explain.

"It's a tattoo, kind of. The force put it there when I was four. That's when I met my future master. He was only nine at the time, but he couldn't manage to levitate a bowl, so I butted my way in and asked to help him. Anakin, being his stubborn self, didn't want me to, but I did anyways, and then we knocked Master Kenobi over." She giggled, and some of the clones joined her, chuckling, but still tried to hide it. "Then some stuff happened, I can't really remember it all because I was so little, but I think Anakin asked if I would fight him when I was older, and then we passed out, and this thing appeared."

The same clone raised an eyebrow. "What does it actually do?"

Ahsoka smirked mischievously. "It lets Anakin know when any of you do something wrong." The clones all got horrified expressions at that, and she burst out laughing. "Kidding, but it connects me to him, and him to me. And yeah, it does let him know if I'm feeling uncomfortable or upset or anything, but that's also our force bond. The only other thing it does is let other Jedi know that I'm already bonded, apparently. I don't know why it's necessary, but oh well." She hopped up, and felt Anakin prodding at her mind again.

"Master!!! STOP!" She growled, stomping up to go find him.

"Well," one of the clones murmured, "we know who not to upset."

All of the rest chuckled.


Hello again, people!

I hope you enjoyed this smallish chapter.

Read? Comment?

-Flaming Starbird
