Chapter 34

Okay, so I will tell you guys that since we have made it to the actual series, I will not be covering all of the episodes, but I kind of liked this one because it 1) had some cute banter in it, and 2) had a little bit that I could fill in. However, we will soon skip a few episodes, just like I actually skipped episode one. This chapter is based on Star Wars: the Clone Wars, Season One, Episode Three.


"Pilots, prepare your bombers!" Skywalker ordered, and the clones who were in the briefing stood to leave. Ahsoka stood next to Plo, who was back from talking to Shaak Ti, and was finally well-rested and refocused on the war. Ahsoka could feel his confidence in his plan through their bond, but it didn't assure her much.

"Skywalker," Plo-Koon called, and Anakin turned to face him. "This is an aggressive plan. Are you sure your squadron can complete this mission?"

Since when is it not at least the slightest bit aggressive, Ahsoka thought, but I'll admit that he has a point.

Anakin's face gained its trademark smirk - Here we go again, Ahsoka thought - and answered in a not-at-all-cocky tone.

"Let's ask them. Matchstick!" A group of clones turned toward Skywalker, their attention focused on their general, "Do you think our boys can pull it off?"

"Yes, sir!" The lead clone, Matchstick, responded. "There hasn't been a mission Shadow Squadron couldn't complete!"

"That's right!" Another clone agreed, "Minimal casualties, maximum effectiveness. That's us."

Ahsoka almost rolled her eyes. She was proud of them for having confidence in themselves, seeing as some of the shinies that she had seen come in have little confidence after their first battle, some ending up actually needing to sleep right next to another clone just to make sure that the others still exist. War wasn't easy, not in the slightest, but she was glad to have Anakin with her.

"I admire your confidence, pilots. Even so," Plo turned back to Anakin, "minimal casualties might be enough to prevent you from breaking Grevious' defenses."

"Master Plo is right," Anakin looked down to her, a trace of surprise that Ahsoka wasn't on his side in his gaze, but he focused his attention on her and listened to her point. "With Grevious on that ship it's bound to be well protected."

"Don't worry, Ahsoka," he said fondly, "We'll destroy that ship's defenses, and Grevious along with it." Anakin then left with the admiral, leaving Ahsoka and Plo in the briefing room.

"Master Skywalker seems to inspire great confidence within his men." Plo noted.

Ahsoka giggled a little, "Well, he does lead by example."


A few hours later, Ahsoka and Anakin were walking through the hangar bay.

"Which one's mine?" The former asked, obviously eager to get into battle. She'd only been a padawan for a few weeks, so battles were still new and exciting to her.

"Oh, you're with me." Anakin stated in a matter-of-fact tone, and Ahsoka stopped walking abruptly, turning to face him with disbelief written on her face. "Someone has to watch my back." He defended innocently.

Ahsoka's demeanor turned playful. "Broadside could do that! Besides, you have Artoo." The droid mentioned beeped in agreement, but Anakin was unmoved.

"But I so enjoy your company, my Padawan." He said in an overly-sweet tone that left Ahsoka sure that it wasn't the reason she was coming with him in his ship.

"Just admit it. You don't like my flying!"

"No! I - It's not that, I just-" Anakin was cut off by the admiral, who stated something about General Grevious attacking medical transports for clones. That obviously lead to them having to go kill off Grevious' ship before it could make it to the medical center.

Ahsoka climbed up the ladder after her master, suddenly happy to be placed in the same ship as her master and not some random clone or droid.

Stupid bond, she growled in her mind.

Hey, it's not my fault I wanted you close either. Anakin replied in defense.

No, it's my flying. Obviously.


Embarrassment suddenly coated his side of the bond, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Then seriously, why again?" She spoke, sliding into the gunner's seat.

You're safer with me than alone, Snips.

After that, he went mostly silent, and Ahsoka felt her montrals grow hot. He was so sweet, but it was kind of stupid when she was fully capable of flying and he was fully capable of having Artoo or Broadside gun for him. However, she had a feeling that while the bond made him want her safe, she still irritated him with her flying, so he had a double reason.

As she sat in the gunner's seat before flight, she nudged her master's presence.

Love ya, Skyguy.

He smiled and replied to his padawan.

I know.


He chuckled, smiling a real smile, one that wasn't a smirk, and replying, I mean, I love you too, Snips.


Thanks for reading, people! I've been away on vacation, and now that I'm back, I have a little, fluffy update for you guys. The next chapter will continue this one, but then we will skip ahead to the second battle of Geonosis, which I finally figured out is in two different episodes in season two, episodes 5 and 6. (Yeah, I'm skipping a whole season. :P If you have an episode you would like covered, feel free to let me know!)

See you guys soon!

-Flaming Starbird
