Chapter 30

*side note, we are on chapter 30!!! :D That's a huge milestone for me! :)

Also, this takes place in episode 2 of season 1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Continue on...

There is a big difference between being stuck in a room with a hyperactive child and an emergency escape pod full of irritable, smelly clones, as Plo Koon was finding out. For one thing, hyperactive children don't continually make jabs about showers, nor do they smell like garbage chutes that haven't been emptied in weeks. 

Fortunately, Plo was good at keeping his cool in situations like this. Unfortunately, Shaak Ti hadn't been with him for a good seventy-two hours, and the Jedi Master was starting to feel it. He wasn't getting as much sleep as he had been, but that didn't matter, he guessed. What mattered at the moment was getting found.

After all, they were stuck in an escape pod without power, in garbage-ridden space, without any way to get help.


Ahsoka wasn't very happy.

She had a reason for that, actually. Anakin was being a jerky-jerk-face. As if yelling at his bond mate wasn't too much, he had enough gall to do exactly what he told her not to do, and give her a slight silent treatment while he was at it. 

"So, why exactly do I get scolded for doing exactly what you're doing, Master?" Ahsoka huffed, not exactly keen on allowing Anakin to get away without telling her why. The title, 'master', had been slipping into her speech more often, and although she hadn't noticed it, Anakin certainly had.

"I had always intended to go and look for survivors, Ahsoka. The way you said it back there was wrong, though." He said, getting a huff in return. Anakin rolled his eyes in exasperation. "And stop calling me  that."

Ahsoka looked confused when he said that, and Anakin couldn't help but wonder if they had drifted that far apart.

"What don't you want me to call you, Master?" She asked, and Anakin raised an eyebrow.

"Stop calling me...Calling me 'Master', Ahsoka."

"Why?" He growled a little, and Ahsoka backed away a bit.

"I-It...Ugh..." Anakin sighed, relaxing a little bit and looking to his Padawan with sad eyes. "It makes you sound like you're my slave, Snips. I-I just can't do that."

Ahsoka looked to him, a small quirk of her lips present before she softened. Her arms reached out toward him, and she grabbed his shoulders before kissing his nose.

Anakin spluttered, an indignant, "Hey!", coming from his lips before he rose and grabbed her, lifting her up, a grin growing on his face.

"Put-pfft-Put me down, Ana- *giggle*- Anakin!" She laughed gleefully, feeling his arms shift her to his back. Ahsoka placed her face into his neck, her arms wrapping snugly around his chest, and her legs doing the same to his stomach.

"I love you, Anakin..." She mumbled, her eyes slipping shut.

Ahsoka may still be young, but she knew that she definitely loved Anakin. She didn't know in what way, but she still had plenty of time to figure that out. The girl was only fourteen, after all.


Well, that got deep.

What in the world, fingers?!

Okay, so Plo-Ti will commence in the next chapter. I also want to note that my chapters are getting a bit shorter, because I: 1. Don't have enough time, and 2. It will hopefully decrease the amount of fluff (not the cute kind) in my chapters were nothing happens.


Thanks for reading! Comment, maybe?

-Flaming Starbird :)
