Chapter 11

Ahsoka, Anakin, Luminara, Obi-wan, Plo-koon, and Shaak Ti were all holed up in one of the dorms on a ship.

The reason?

They simply couldn't get off the ship. The doors had malfunctioned, and the ship had gone into lock down. It was only then that the Jedi realized that all of their light-sabers were outside the ship on a table, and all of the com-links were out there as well. If anyone had wanted to use bonds to get outside the ship, it was impossible, because all of the bonded Jedi were locked inside. Even the master-and-padawan bonds were unable to be used because none of them had padawans (Except for Obi-wan, and Anakin was inside as well).

And now?

Everyone was going nuts. Literally.

Ahsoka had started talking nonsense an hour ago. No one could stand to be around her, not even Anakin, but they couldn't help it because they were all locked in a dorm together.

Anakin was desperately trying to see if he could get a small, old, data-pad to work, but he had to use nuts as screwdrivers because they didn't have any inside the room. For some strange reason, there was an old bag of nuts in the room, though.

Shaak Ti was trying to avoid Plo, the tingling sensation that was caused by touching him was turning her into a less reputable Jedi because she would kind of curl up like a cat against him, so she was busying herself with meditation.

Luminara had joined her after Obi-wan had started talking to himself. It was annoying her to no end, but at least they would be out of the ship by sunup... if the mechanics were on schedule. Which they usually weren't.

Obi-wan was muttering to himself and pacing, trying to figure out a way out, but it wasn't going well. All he had done was review the facts:

They were trapped.

They had no means of communication.

They had no way to show anyone that people were inside.

And they had absolutely no way to get Ahsoka to be quiet.

As of the moment, Obi-wan was considering forcing Ahsoka to sleep, but he knew that wouldn't go over well with Anakin, Luminara, Plo-Koon, or Shaak Ti. So, he was forced to figure out alternate ways to get her to be quiet.

Way one:

"AHSOKA! BE QUIET!" The girl simply looked at him and shrugged. She then walked over to Anakin and sat quietly, watching his nimble fingers pry at the metal. However, she was only quiet for so long, and soon she was talking to herself again.

Way two:

"Anakin. Anakin. Anakin!"

The young boy turned toward him with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What? I'm trying to fix this so we can get out of here!"

The Jedi Master disregarded his annoyance, and responded anyways.

"Can you try to get Ahsoka to be quiet? She's driving the rest of us up the walls!"

Anakin huffed, rolling his eyes and dropping the data-pad. He walked over to his bond-mate, tapping her shoulder. She turned to him, her eyes lighting up.

"Can you please be a bit quieter?"

She frowned slightly, looking down.

"I- Ahsokaaaa...." He groaned. Ahsoka had donned puppy-dog eyes, and looked like a kicked puppy.

"What?! You are all being too quiet!"

"I just can't focus when it's not quiet! And we all want to be out of here, right?"

She nodded slightly.

"Okay... Fine, I'll be quiet-"

-for about five minutes.

Soon, she was back at it again, and Plo-Koon, Luminara, Shaak Ti, and Obi-wan couldn't stand it anymore.

Way three:

"BE QUIET!" All of the masters shouted together, and the girl fell silent, looking up at them with big blue eyes.

"I can not take anymore of your unintelligent blabbering!"

"Agreed! If I hear one more word about nuts being blue, I might just maul someone's arm off!"

"We've asked multiple times!"

"So can you PLEASE BE QUIET?!"

"If you don't quiet down, so help me."

Ahsoka was completely silent. And then something happened.

Her lips wavered.

Her eyes became watery.

A short sob escaped her lips.

Then the girl dashed away from the Masters, going around the bed and hiding under it.

There, she cried.

They were quiet tears; soft sniffs were the only things that the others ever heard, but she couldn't help it.

First the other togruti tribe members, then the younglings, then the padawans, and now the masters. None of the Masters tried to go comfort her, and only when Anakin finally looked up after the shouting did anyone say anything.

"You made her cry? Really?" Anakin exclaimed angrily, jumping up and walking around the bed.

"We didn't-" he glared at them before ducking under the bed. She was curled up in a small orange ball, sniffling every now and then, her body convulsing with every sob. His heart felt like it had shattered in his chest as he looked at her, and he was positive it might have. Anakin crawled over to her quickly, a sad frown plastered on his face.

"Ahsoka?" He murmured, sidling up to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. She tried to shove him away, but wound up curling into his side and crying on his shoulder. He gasped as waves of sadness and hurt washed onto him, and he held onto his bond-mate tighter. Her hands clung to his tunic, and her face was buried in the crook of his neck, hiding her from the world. Anakin gently patted her back, crawling out from under the bed and sitting up beside it with Ahsoka next to him. She whimpered quietly upon seeing the masters, and Anakin gently pet her montrals, trying to calm her down. Ahsoka soon quieted, and Anakin stood up, still carrying the small girl, and walked over to his data pad, sitting down next to it.

The young togruta sat quietly next to him, never uttering a peep as he worked on the device. In fact, she never made a noise for the rest of the duration of five hours- mostly because she was giving everyone but Anakin the silent treatment, and she fell asleep after about an hour.


"I DID IT!!!" The sudden loud noise startled the Masters, and they stood up immediately, trying to come to grips with the fact that it was just a padawan screaming and not some Sith gone crazy. When they looked at Anakin, they saw the old data-pad was working again, and he was busy inputting codes to get into the temple's system- before he fell asleep on the data-pad.

Kenobi smiled, slipping the device out of his student's hands and laying him beside Ahsoka. Soon, beeps sounded, and the doors opened, a worn out mechanic strolling through the halls.

"Ah, I thought someone was in here. Sorry it took ten hours to get this open, no one would believe me, especially Jedi Master Windu." The mechanic shrugged, Kenobi was left slack-jawed.

Of course it was Mace.

It always was Mace.



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-Flaming Starbird
