Chapter 9

Everything felt fuzzy. The entire room- she assumed it was a room- was blurred, and the only thing she could make out was that Anakin was right next to her. At least, he looked like Anakin. And had that same safe feeling Anakin carried. Ahsoka shifted, fortunate enough to not be stuck, and her eyes widened suddenly.

Sound asleep on a bed opposite the two children in the medical bay, she hoped it was the medical bay, were both Shaak Ti and Plo-Koon. Quickly deciding that this was an emergency that was good enough to wake her bond-mate up, she climbed on top of him and poked his cheek.

"Anakin," she whispered, poking his side, causing him to jump slightly. Anakin squinted at the smaller girl on him, and groaned slightly.

"What?" He hissed, sitting up and knocking her off of him. She glared for a second before disregarding him and pointing to the two adults. Anakin squinted, waiting for his vision to clear, before seeing the two that Ahsoka was set on getting to bond- bonded.

"Well, Tiny Cupid, you did it. Now let me sleep." Ahsoka pouted, growling.

"I'm not tiny..."

"Uh, yes you are." He replied, grabbing her around the middle and pulling her off the bed. "See? You're like two feet shorter than me."

"You're just tall. And, you are out of the bed. Now we can figure out how we got here." She said smugly, grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the room and into the hallways. As she did so, she ran right into Luminara.

"Hey you two. What are you up to?" She scooped Ahsoka up and looked at both of them. They peered guiltily up at her, before Ahsoka had the courage to speak up.

"Why were we in there?" Luminara smiled slightly, setting the girl down before explaining.

"Well, Master Ti and Master Koon were bonded last night, as I'm sure you know. And, as their signatures had gone so long knowing that they were going to be bonded but not actually bonding, it let out quite the blast of energy, causing you two to hit your heads and get knocked out, along with the two Masters. And as Kenobi was away trying to settle a dispute in the council, you two were put in the Halls of Healing to monitor you both.

Now, you two need to be getting back to your room, it's not like your bond can go forever without much contact, and you two haven't been cooperating in your sleep, so you need to stay together. Come on," Luminara walked ahead of them, taking corridor after corridor, nodding politely to other masters as she went. When they made it to the quarters, both children were bored out of their minds, and had extremely sore feet. They collapsed on a meditation mat together, sighing in relief as they finally sat down.

Luminara smiled at them before turning and walking out the door. Ahsoka raised her eye-markings in confusion. Now that everyone knew about the bond between them, there was rarely a time that the two didn't hug or at least greet each other when they were in the same room. Now, Obi-wan was simply standing in the back of the room, hardly acknowledging the fact that Luminara had just been in the room.

A soft snore emitted on her right, and she sighed, curling up against Anakin, deciding to fall asleep right where she was. He was quite comfy, she had discovered that before, so it wasn't hard to fall asleep on the floor. With the bond aching for contact between the two, it felt more comfortable than a bed to be in his arms, as if he had turned into pillows at some point. Ahsoka snuggled into his side, her head resting on his collarbone, as she fell to sleep.

But before she did, she promised herself that she would find out what was going on between the two masters. After all, they couldn't expect their bond to go forever without contact.


Obi-wan sighed. Contrary to Ahsoka's belief, he did see Luminara walk into the room, and it was killing him not to say something to her, but what would it matter? Nothing could fix it now.

Just the day before, the council had threatened them with their bond. If they didn't cut it off or try to ignore it, they could possibly wind up expelled. And, with their positions as teachers and masters to the two children, what they do after they were gone? So, without a choice, the two masters were stuck ignoring each other.

Deep down, Kenobi wished that they were expelled so he could openly display affection to Luminara, but he knew that was being selfish. Besides, if he left, Anakin wouldn't have a master, and he would probably be kicked out of the order, and then what of Ahsoka? She would wind up sick, as her togrutan instincts required her to be around Anakin, and he would feel it as well.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair before spying Ahsoka and Anakin sound asleep on one of the meditation mats. Kenobi let a bittersweet smile make its way onto his face. The knowledge that Luminara wouldn't ever be that near to him was eating him up inside. He heard Luminara's receding footsteps stop suddenly, followed by a thump. An alarm went off in his brain and he stepped outside his door. It all looked normal, but he cautiously made his way around the corner, and his heart stopped.

There, knocked out on the floor, was Luminara Unduli.


Done done done.

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-Flaming Starbird
