Chapter 21

Everything was distant, fuzzy. The faint clasping of someone's hand around hers didn't seem real. Her blue skin seemed kind of pale when she looked at it, and though something deep down knew that was not a good sign, she couldn't seem to care. All she wanted was to fall deep into the abyss of darkness and not wake up again. But something - or someone - wanted her to hang on to the small bit of light tugging at her mind.

"Siana! Siana, hold on... hold on, please... please..."

Alright, I'll hold on...


Ahsoka was frantic. The girl wasn't waking up, and she could not find a single Jedi who had the same mark as she did. Not to mention Luminara an Obi-wan had practically vanished off the face of Couracant, so she couldn't find anyone she knew. Unless...

"Shaak Ti! Plo-Koon! Masters?!"

The togruta shouted, relieved when she saw the older two Jedi. Shaak looked over to the girl, worry slightly lacing her features. Plo-Koon looked up too, but no one could really tell his emotions all that well (except for Shaak; she always knew).

"What, 'Soka?" The kel-dor asked, and she hurriedly tried to spill everything out at once.


"Whoa, slow down, Ahsoka. What happened?" Shaak Ti asked, placing her hands on Ahsoka's shoulders. The girl took a breath, trying to still her rapidly pounding heart.

"A-a youngling was attacked, and-and then she fell on her neck, I think... and now she won't wake up..." She said with a shaky voice. It was a little unnerving to see someone get that injured in front of her.

Especially when that person was her responsibility.

After she finished, Shaak Ti turned the girl around to start walking back to the youngling rooms, and Ahsoka walked numbly with no intention of even seeing the girl again. She knew that she would have to see the younger togruta again, but when someone who was possibly halfway across the galaxy was dying along with the little girl, she dreaded it even more.

When they finally reached the destination, Ahsoka heard a gasp sound from the usually placid, calm woman.

"We have to get her somewhere better than the med bay here. She's got to go off-planet."


Collin didn't know what to do, exactly.


He was startled, to say the least, when the girl who never ever cried nor showed her real emotions, hidden behind a wall of jokes, suddenly broke down. She had pretty much fallen to the ground sobbing, and he had only been able to stare at Skynodey for a few minutes before he noticed the gash on her arm and leaped up to help her out. It wouldn't do her any good to get an infection, and it definitely was not going to allow him to sleep.

Even though he knew sleep was not an option when Ventress was trying to give access to his brain to someone much higher up.

Collin force-pulled a roll of medical bandages and bacta patches to himself before setting himself down next to Skynodey. He reached for her arm, only to get hissed at. Collin raised his hands up in surrender, reaching to rub her back. Once he did so, she froze before literally throwing herself at him, whimpering quietly while tears streamed out of her eyes. Collin was lost. What was even going on?

What do you even do when there is a girl crying on you?


Hesitantly, he put his arms around her, gently rubbing her back. Apparently he had done something right, as she slowly stopped crying and was left hiccuping, her breath coming in raggedly.

"It's okay, Skynodey..."

It was then she blew up at him.

"NO IT'S NOT! SHE'S DEAD! SHE'S NEVER GOING TO BE THERE EVER AGAIN! SHE'S... gone," the girl slumped on the ground. Collin reached for her arm, and this time, she didn't react, only wincing as the bacta touched her skin. He wrapped the bandage tightly around her skin. She turned her face toward her shoulder, and coincidentally where his hand was, and nuzzled her cheek lightly against it before leaping up to her bunk and curling into a ball of isolation.

"Thanks." She said after a while, breaking the silence.

Collin simply nodded, failing to notice the slight prick on his ankle.

Skynodey was too tired to feel it either.


Goodnight, morning, evening, whatever time it is for you! :D

Thanks for all the support guys! 2K reads? It makes me so happy to see that you all like it, and are supportive enough to keep reading when I fail to update as regularly as I should. :) Thanks again!

-Flaming Starbird
