Chapter 26

Collin was still confused from the early morning's affairs. What were you supposed to do when a girl that was supposedly dead comes running into your dorm screaming like a banshee that she needed to find her sister? He didn't really know, so he did the one logical thing:

Scream back.

The girl screamed even louder, and Collin scrambled to the door of the room before falling of said door and into the hallway- right in front of a certain togruta. Giggles erupted from somewhere to the left of him, and he groaned at the pain in his face.

So, apparently you weren't supposed to scream at zombies.

"Go in there, Sky... get your sister out." He groaned, still in the same position on the floor. Collin heard the girl stop moving before she shot into the room like it was nobody's business. He lifted himself off of the floor once he heard the eerie silence, and crept toward the door, once he opened it, he was met by the sounds of sobbing.

Almost immediately, he turned to leave the room.

He was not going to deal with crying girls and screaming zombies in one day.

Just no.


Maddox was upset with himself. If he wasn't so jumpy, if he wasn't so guarded, then maybe he wouldn't have accidentally lashed out at her. He couldn't really help the fact that his fingers scraped so easily either. If he wore gloves they would have to be very thick so as to not get ruined by his fingers the first time he put them on.

Now the girl was completely afraid of him, and she probably would hate him for the rest of her life. Why did he have to scrape her, even if it was an accident?

He reentered the med-bay, startled to find that the bed Siana had previously been occupying was completely emptied out. She was gone, and he had a pretty good idea of where to find her.

That is, as long as the guards would let him get there.


Anakin hadn't seen Ahsoka so peaceful since she watched the youngling get struck down. Currently she was sleeping, and Anakin was awake and ready for the day ahead. He watched her peaceful breathing, knowing it wouldn't last much longer, before thinking of how stalkerish he was being and moving away from the door. Anakin grabbed a glass of water and quickly drank the entire thing; it was getting closer to winter on Couracant, and the air was drier, causing everyone to drink more water.

This was weird, because apparently if you wake up from a coma you already have a really dry throat, but if you wake up from a coma in winter... just multiply it by ten, and there is your answer.

His pondering was interrupted by a small, cat-like yawn and the sudden appearance by a small, orange togruta. Anakin smiled at her, setting his water glass down and walking over to her.

"Good morning, Ahsoka."

She yawned again before answering him with a very sleepy 'good morning'. He laughed, putting one arm around her shoulders before letting go and walking over to the meditation mats and sitting down.

No, Anakin wasn't planning on actually meditating, but rather just relaxing. Obi-wan was up, but the boy had no idea where he was, considering he probably had some kind of flash meeting and couldn't tell Anakin about it without waking him up.

He sighed before looking over to Ahsoka, who was currently just sitting at the counter nearly falling asleep. She didn't seem to want to be awake yet.

Anakin looked over to the holo-clock before letting out a small laugh. It was about six o'clock in the morning, and Ahsoka usually woke up at eight still, considering she was still considered a youngling. When she got older, it would start changing until it got to be six in the morning wake up call.

As for now, though, she was not going to be very great at waking up, and she didn't seem to care that she was not in a bed or somewhere comfortable (aka Anakin's lap), and Ahsoka crashed on the counter top, her head resting in her folded arms. He smiled lightly before standing up and walking over to the youngling.

"Soka," he murmured, dragging her name out while poking her cheek. "Are you in there?"

Ahsoka stirred, swatting his hand away. "Go 'way," she mumbled. He laughed, setting a hand on her shoulder and watching as she fell back asleep.

'Someone is very sleepy,' he thought, causing a growl to fill the room.

'LET ME SLEEP!' Anakin just laughed again, grabbing a throw blanket and draping it on her shoulders.

'Goodnight,' she sighed, snuggling into the warmth the blanket gave off, before she fell into deep sleep.

She would need it, little did either of them know.

And as he walked off to train, he saw the twin togrutas hugging and crying, and it dawned on him that he forgot to tell Ahsoka yet again.

Then he hit someone, sending both of them flying backwards. When he sat up, he titled his head in confusion, creasing his eyebrows. He was looking back at an exact replica of himself.

"Who are you?"

Anakin asked, noting the severe fear in the blue eyes that were appearing as his own. The person scrambled to their feet before running off as fast as they could. Anakin raised an eyebrow.

Who was that?

And why did he look like... himself?


Merry Christmas, everyone! :)

I hope you enjoy your holidays, and remember, it's not just about the presents under the tree!

Thanks for reading! Comment?

