Chapter 22

Ahsoka wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. The girl was currently assumed dead to the Jedi order. What was worse, she hadn't even seen Luminara, Obi-wan, or Anakin since the incident. She hated the feeling of emptiness she gained whenever she had been away from her 'family' for too long. She hated feeling dependent on someone.

Most of all, she hated feeling responsible-

-for someone's death.

Ahsoka gripped the meditation mat she was sitting on tightly in her hands, her orange knuckles turning white. She was feeling increasingly upset, and very against the Jedi Code. Honestly, she just wanted to rip something to shreds or beat a dummy to death. Yep. She was very against the code currently.

In fact, she was so out of it, she didn't notice the door to the room whoosh open, nor the person who walked in, which was why she was so startled when someone's arms wrapped around her middle. She was so surprised that she smacked whoever it was in the face and literally jumped upward. The arms, however, didn't let her go, pulling her back down to rest against someone. By then she turned to look at the person, her lips twitching into a slight smile as she spied the boy who had become her best friend.

"What's wrong, Ahsoka?"

That slight moment of happiness left her again as she went back to brooding silently. Anakin lightly tugged on her montrals, making her face him.

"Hey," he frowned, his eyebrows creasing. "Are you okay?"

Ahsoka slightly nodded her head.

"I'm fine, Skyguy."

Anakin reached up to her face and she leaned backward.

"What are you doing?"

The boy smirked, placing two fingers in the corners of her lips, curving them upwards.

"If you were fine, you'd smile, Snips."

A ghost of a smile traced itself on the togruta's face before she frowned, the burning sensation of tears starting to form in the back of her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face in his chest.

"She's dead." Ahsoka muttered, and Anakin, the mirthful smile already off of his face, frowned.


It took a moment for her to answer.

"A youngling. A-And she-she's bond... she's bonded, Anakin..." His eyes widened and his grip became tighter as he placed his face against her montrals.

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka... It's all going to be alright..." Anakin murmured against her headtails, and she snuggled deeper into his comforting embrace, the tears in her eyes gently trickling down her face.

"I know, Skyguy."


None of the other younglings had come back to the room that night. Apparently they were all supposed to go on some trip, and thanks to the trauma of the situation, none of the younglings had been allowed to go. Skynodey had fallen asleep earlier, only to wake up in a seemingly statue faze, and it was shaking Collin.

The girl was ordinarily happy and sweet, brimming with jokes and laughter, but that day, she was sad, cold, and very solemn. Skynodey was usually also loud, and he could never get her to shut up. Now, she was silent, and it was unnerving.

For a while he had enjoyed the silence. That, however, was before he had looked over to her and noticed how off she was.

Skynodey's pale blue skin had become dull, and her vibrant blue eyes had completely gone cold.

"Sky?" She turned her face toward him, and a shiver ran down his spine.

"Skynodey...? Are you okay?" The togruta didn't answer him, seemingly staring straight through his soul. Collin slowly got out of his bunk, walking over to hers and reaching out to her.

"What's wrong?"

"SHUT UP, COLLIN!" Skynodey shouted, lashing out and smacking his arm before falling backwards, the tears in her eyes freezing in place.

"Ow, Sky." Collin rubbed his arm, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. If there was one thing that the girl never did, it was violence.

"I-I'm sorry, Collin... Th-this is going to sound crazy, but... I-I felt that..."

"What, you felt the guilt of hitting me? No, doesn't sound too crazy." Collin said sarcastically, and she had to restrain herself from hitting him again, or worse, letting her instincts take over and tackle him to the ground- from the top bunk.

"Hit me."

"What? The great Princess Skynodey wants me to hit her?"

"Shut up and do it, Jerk." Skynodey didn't notice at that time, but she had actually... smiled. A genuine smile. She hadn't managed a smile since seeing her twin fall.

"Okay...?" Collin slapped her leg, just hard enough to hurt slightly. His leg stung for a minute, and he stood shocked.

"Uh, um... should I be worried...?" He asked, and Sky stood up, her hand reaching down to scratch her ankle, and she gasped. Her eyes widened, and she turned around.

"No, no, you shouldn't... uh, you shouldn't be worried..."

"Sky? Is something wrong?"

"No! Uh, no, no, nothings wrong..."


"Bye!" She turned running out the door, leaving Collin staring after her.



Siana's POV

It turns out that when you get knocked out because of other kids, you really want to hit them. Really hard.

Wait. Hold it. I'm not dead. Am I? Am I in the infinite of the force?


No, wait... I would be able to hear force ghosts.


OH GREAT! Now there is someone speaking in my skull!

'Where are you?'

Uh... I'm not talking to the ghost. No.


GAH! Oh fine. I don't really know. I'm not on Couracant, I don't think... Wait, who are you?

'That's... not really something I want to talk about. I just know I... I'm your bondmate, Little One.'

WAIT! Hold it. You called me little one. Does that mean... how old are you?

'Not very old. You're just... small, compared to me. You're eight. I'm thirteen.'

Oh, good... I thought you were going to end up being forty or something...

'Well that's reassuring. Look, Sahara-'

How do you know my last name?!

'Well... let's just say, I know a lot more about you than that.'


'I'll see you outside of your mind soon...'

Okayyy... I don't know whether I should be worried by that or not.

'Maybe you should, but I don't think it's such a bad thing. I will see you, though. Both of our lives depend on it.'

Okay. See you...


Hey guys! I know a few of you wanted a more Ahsoka/Anakin centered chapter, and this doesn't really fit that, but I promise you, they will be the main focus again soon. So, you will see who the mystery guy is soon! :D

Comment? Read?

-Flaming Starbird

P.S If anyone wants to guess who the mystery man is... Go for it! :D
