Chapter 25




The girl growled irritably in her mind. WHAT?

Well, you seem cheerful.

She laughed mirthlessly, and she was sure the being in her mind could see her glare, even though they could not see her.

Well, you seem annoying.

It was quiet for a minute, and she settled down to rest.

Wake up.

Shut up.

The being growled at her comeback, and she could literally feel her body tremor with guilt.

She could feel the body she couldn't feel moments earlier.


Oh, so you finally noticed. Yes. You are waking up, or at least gaining consciousness, and it's about time, too. I've been watching you for a few days.

She was silent a minute, and the being poked her mind.

Are you still there, Sahara?

If you've been stalking me for the past few days, why are you just now waking me up? And my name isn't Sahara, it's Siana.

I'm well aware. I'm just waking you now because if I did any earlier, you would have a very low chance of survival. I technically shouldn't be awake right now, but I've tried to stay awake for your sake.

The being's voice took on a slightly gentle tone toward the end of it's response, causing Siana to feel slightly confused. Usually the being didn't care to be very nice, but rather simply give her the straight truth.

Well, are you going to wake up?

Siana smiled in her mind, and she could almost feel her lips curling up in the corners.

I'll try, mystery person, I'll try.

After minutes, she was able to see a bit of light flooding her closed eyes, as if she was being reconnected with her body. A few more minutes passed, and she opened her eyes, hissing at the bright light, before groaning as she turned her head.

She couldn't make out much at first; her vision was a bit blurry from lack of use, but eventually she could make out a figure before the fog in her eyes cleared.

A figure in their teens, fifteen or sixteen, Siana thought. They looked deep in thought, as if they were trying to communicate-

"Who?" She croaked, her throat dry, mouth parched, and lips cracked. It hurt to talk, but the stranger evidently heard her. They turned around, and she could see the person's face. Siana jerked back in surprise.

"Mad... Maddox?" It sounded more like Mad-dock, but the person seemed to hear her, and his face contorted into surprise.

"You remember me?" His voice was lower than she would have expected, before she remembered her lessons on different species. Zabraks, the species that he was, looked older than they were while maturing, before they appeared to be in their prime into their late sixties. After that, they aged like other species and were considered at normal growth rates. That was why he appeared to be somewhere in his mid-teens while he was probably only thirteen or so.

He was certainly a beautiful male; vibrant red skin, horns that appeared as porcelain, and he still had the same tattoos that he had years ago. His eyes shone, but she could feel her heart sink a little when she saw the gold eyes he possessed.

Siana blinked when she realized she had been staring too long, and she nodded slowly, going to speak before changing her mind and pointing to her mouth. He nodded, no recognizable emotion appearing on his face anymore, and he simply grabbed a glass of water before returning to her bedside and gently bending down. She was confused for a moment before realizing what he was doing and allowing his arm to scoop her up by her back and arms, pulling her up into a sitting position. Maddox brought the cup to her lips, gently tipping the glass so she could get a little sip of water before pulling it away. She looked dismayed at him, a little look of longing in her eyes as she stared at the glass of water.

"You can't drink that much at once or you'll throw up."

Siana nodded, looking down and allowing the red-skinned teenager to sit on the edge of the bed. She looked up to observe her old childhood friend a bit more. He didn't look all that different; definitely older, but not all that different. Upon closer observation, she realized that he had bags under his eyes, and his posture was slouching. While she couldn't say that he would have been alert most of the time and this was abnormal, she could make a pretty good guess.

He turned toward her every few minutes, giving her little sips of water until she had emptied the glass. Maddox looked more tired than ever, and she frowned a little at him, watching as his eyes became half-lidded.

"Tired?" He jumped, his eyes gaining a slightly nervous look about them. She tilted her head causing her small montrals to slip off of her shoulders.

"No." Maddox responded sharply. Siana winced, hurt seeping into her, even though she knew he didn't mean to be that harsh.

"So you did sleep when you were here?"

He didn't answer.

"So you didn't?"

Still no answer.

She rolled her eyes, grabbing his hand before realizing her mistake. He jerked his hand away, causing his talon-like fingers to scrape her hand. Siana yelped in slight pain, pulling her hand back before cradling it near her chest. The zabrak's eyes softened, and he reached a hand out. She only flinched away, and a slight ache formed in his chest.

"No, I didn't sleep, Sahara."

She just nodded, biting her lip and refusing to meet his gaze. He growled a little, and she flinched again. The zabrak stood up, stealing a glance back at the girl before leaving the room. Siana could feel remorse growing in her heart, but he was a lot scarier than he was when he was only eight.

She realized that she didn't even know him anymore. After she was taken, she wasn't allowed to send messages to anyone back home because they were supposed 'attachments'. She guessed they were, in a way, but he wasn't even known to her. He was simply another scary, large being that she didn't understand nor know. And he was supposedly her bond-mate. Her sister was the only one she had ever understood.


Siana's eyes widened, and she threw the covers off, jumping out of the bed. She had to make sure her twin was okay. If she wasn't, Siana didn't know if she would make it through.


We know who Mr. Mystery is!


And if you don't know who Maddox is, he's a known Sith who literally never dies!

I kind of have a problem with him. Oh, and Anakin and Ahsoka will be the stars again soon. I realize this was a little off-storyline, but I promise that it will become clear why these OCs appeared in the first place soon enough.

Anywho, comment? Read?

