Chapter 5

Ahsoka quickly found out that Anakin was a deep sleeper. Scratch that; Anakin was a really, really, really deep sleeper. That morning, Ahsoka was just itching to get up and stretch her legs, but she couldn't seem to move. By that time, she had realized why; her bond-mate was restricting her movement. And by restricting, she seriously meant restricting. He had his arms placed around her back and shoulders, and since she didn't want to wake him, she had to wait. She had to wait for two whole hours for anyone to wake up. The funny thing was, it was Master Luminara who woke up, and she had about the same predicament.

"Master Unduli?" Ahsoka whispered, sensing movement. She saw the master's eyes open in surprise, panic overtaking the elder Jedi when she couldn't figure out where she was.

"Ahsoka? What-where... Oh. Wait, why aren't you up?" Luminara asked from her trapped position against Obi-wan Kenobi. Ahsoka squirmed against Anakin, her legs tingling and arms aching from lack of movement.

"Anakin won't wake up!" She whisper-yelled. As she did so, Unduli tried to slip out of Kenobi's grasp, only for him to trap her further. Luminara let out a huff of annoyance, only worsening her mood when she realized she couldn't see a clock from her position.

"Well, I guess we have to wait. I have a meeting this morning, and now I'm going to be late if I can't somehow-"

"Wait, why aren't we just waking them up?" Ahsoka interrupted, trying to slip an arm out of Anakin's grasp. There was a moment of silence before the master let out a small 'oh' and answered.

"Well, we could... Actually, we will," moments later, the girls were setting to work on freeing limbs, but most attempts were unsuccessful. Ahsoka let out an aggravated yell, turning her head and looking for Anakin's ears.

"WAKE UP, SKYGUY!" She screeched, causing the mirilan to wince, but the boy beside her simply let out a small breath, turning and trapping the small girl more. Suddenly, one of her arms was freed, and she cheered in victory.

"Maybe you could refrain from shouting, please?" Luminara squeaked, shoulders hunched up to cover her ears.

"If this stupid boy would wake up- OUCH OUCH OUCH!" Ahsoka whimpered, her free hand grabbing at her stomach.

"Stupid? Sweetie, you just hurt his feelings. Apologize to stop the pain."

"I WOULD! I JUST DIDN'T MEAN IT! I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" She was suddenly lifted into the air, the pain in her stomach subsiding, and she let out a gasp of surprise. Arms and legs were holding her up, and she looked down into the smiling face of Anakin, his blue eyes laughing and brown hair tousled.

"I'm glad you didn't mean it," he sat her gently down beside him and her face was filled with shock and betrayal.

"YOU WERE AWAKE?" Ahsoka shrieked, and everyone in the room winced, including Kenobi. The boy just yawned, and held up one finger.

"Only a minute ago..." Suddenly, the older girl noticed her bond-mate snickering slightly.

"You're actually awake? Seriously! I'm going to be late now! Let me go, Kenobi," Luminara glared at Obi-wan, freeing her arm and elbowing him lightly. He smiled sheepishly, looking away before leaning over and pecking her forehead. He immediately let her go, jumping up and heading to the bathroom with an extra set of clothes. Luminara put a hand to her forehead, a smile blossoming on her face.

Ahsoka, meanwhile, jumped up, running around in circles, doing a failed back-bend, and a handstand. She couldn't seem to stay still, leaping around from thing to thing, bouncing whenever she couldn't move. Suddenly, Anakin became aware that there was an over-excited, energized five-year-old running around, and he groaned. Minutes later, the two Jedi Masters were leaving for the council meeting, telling the two to hold down the fort before stepping out.

An hour later, he really wished he could be at that council meeting. Ahsoka was driving him nuts.

"Do you know what the first nut was? Was it a blue nut, or a purple nut? Because if it was purple, then not everything would be blue. Hey, why is milk blue? Do you know? 'Cause I want to know! Wait, what about grapes? Aren't they blue? What if they were purple, and just mutant... mutanted.... what's the word? I know this! I should know this!" The girl rambled on, and Anakin grabbed a pillow to stuff his head under. Long story short; it didn't work.

"Anakin, why is your last name Skywalker? You can't walk on the sky... can you? Can you show me?" She pulled the pillow off of his head, and saw his eyes closed. Ahsoka carefully pried open his eyes, gasping and backing away.

"What? What now?" Anakin stood up, hands clenched into fists and eyes wide open.

"Your eyes are... gold..." She breathed. Startled, the boy ran to the bathroom, looking into the mirror and glaring. His eyes were one hundred percent blue. The little sneak probably just wanted him to get up.

"AHSOKA!" He shouted, walking back to the room to find the girl curled up peacefully on the ground, her breathing deep and even. She was asleep. He smiled, bending and picking her up. Anakin walked into his bedroom and sat her on the bed, tucking the covers around her. He went to leave the room, but turned around, hesitantly leaning over the youngling. Pulling in a breath, he bent and placed a small kiss on her forehead before dashing out of the room.

She'd never know.


Back in the bedroom, one of Ahsoka's baby blue eyes opened. A small smile graced her features, before she fell into a deep, deep sleep.


Okay. Scold me. I'm late, late, I tell you! *Falls dramatically to the floor*.

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Thanks a bunch!

