The season opens with a shot of Eichen House, where we see a girl with bruises showering. A female orderly hurries her, but the girl ignores her, and when she approaches we see that the girl showering is actually Lydia.

The orderly says her name, but Lydia is essentially catatonic, and we move on to her walking down the hall at Eichen House before entering a line of cells. The female orderly encourages Lydia's doctor to up her dosage of medication, and the doctor promises Lydia he'll be gentle as he gives her an injection.

Lydia remains unresponsive, even as the doctor misses her vein on his first pass, after which he goes for one of the veins in her head. He motions like he plans to stab her in the temple, but she rises with a scream, and is quickly surrounded by orderlies. She fights them off surprisingly well, and uses her powers to push one of them back. She escapes, taking down three guards, and runs into the night before seeing Aiden waiting for her in the rain.

"Sorry, Lydia, but your treatment's not done. Not yet," he says calmly, as Lydia is hit in the back with an electric prod, and she begs to be let go because all her friends are going to die.

The credits roll. Noel's billing and scene is the same, but now as he leans back to dodge the slow-motion punch, his eyes glow orange before he rises and stretches to flex his Hale pack tattoo.

Scott sits on the hood of the jeep, looking up at the night sky as Stiles lists off a variety of three bedroom apartments he seems to have researched.

Noel walks in from the back of the jeep, shrugging his shoulders and readjusting his signature leather jacket. His hair is even longer, and his curls are more defined as he runs his left hand through them. A white gold ring shines in the moonlight on his finger as Scott asks "Hey, what about Berkeley? Don't a lot of students live around there?"

"Yeah. We could try Nob Hill, but the jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches," Stiles says, as Noel asks "You're bringing the jeep?"

"You know the plan, Noel, no one gets left behind. That's the plan," he insists, as Scott points out "Why don't we just take a gap year, and all live at the loft with Noel?"

Noel points at him in agreement, tempting "We don't have to pay rent there, and it gives us time to make some money so we can afford a place like Haight-Ashbury or Nob Hill."

Obviously unimpressed, Stiles gives Noel a narrow-eyed glare, saying "I'm not taking a gap year, it's out of the question. So neither are you, because again, no one gets left behind. Lydia's not gonna have a problem getting into Stanford, Kira's thinking USF, Malia's uh... Gonna... Y'know, she'll figure something out, okay? The plan is perfect."

"Or we can wait until we actually get into college and then figure out where to live," Scott says through a smile, as Stiles pouts "I have a vision, dude, okay, and it is a beautiful vision, don't ruin the vision."

Noel leans his side against the jeep and, ever the king of casual affection, rests his head on Scott's arm. Scott doesn't seem to mind or even really notice, still looking up at the stars as Noel asks "What if I wanna go out and find Derek after I graduate?"

"You don't, you're perfectly happy screwing around with Mason," Stiles assures him, Noel firing back immediately "We aren't screwing around! We've been on a handful of dates, and we held hands once."

"Let's hope he didn't hold your left hand, that'd be awkward," Scott teases as Noel raises an eyebrow and flashes his promise ring at Scott mockingly. Scott laughs and pushes it away, as Stiles pipes "Guys, focus, we have a lot to go over here."

When Scott and Noel finally return their attention to Stiles, he suggests that they try checking out Oakland as well, and we see that Scott's been looking up at the full moon throughout their conversation.

Stiles asks if the two wolves are starting to feel it, both shaking their heads as Scott tells them that he's thinking.

"What about?" Noel asks, sliding his hands into his jacket pockets as Scott says almost excitedly "Senior year."

Stiles seems similarly enthusiastic, saying "Senior year! But that's- That's nothin', that's gonna be easy."

"Well, it's more like something Deaton told me once," Scott explains, asking the boys if they've ever heard of regression to the mean. Stiles denies, and Noel just watches Scott, as the alpha explains that it essentially means life is never all bad or all good. Eventually, things will always return to the middle.

"Like the last few months. I mean, things have been good, but not amazing," he explains, as Stiles notes "Yeah, but, no one's tried to kill us in six months either."

With a smile, Noel concurs "Always a plus, evading murder for a whole summer."

"But we've been pretty much in the middle for a while. Which means at some point, the scale has to tip one way or the other," Scott prompts, leading Noel to finish "Which means things are either about to get really good, or catastrophically bad. With our track record, I'm not optimistic."

Thunder cracks then and lightning streaks, as Stiles asks "Think it's been long enough?"

"Yes," a weak voice calls out behind them, and all three boys turn to see Liam chained to a nearby tree.

"Hey, trying to have an adult conversation over here," Stiles calls to him, to which Liam retorts "You're two years older than me. And I'm fine, just let me go."

Scott comes over, assuring Liam "It's not that we don't trust you-"

"I don't trust you," Stiles disagrees, as Noel butts in "It's not that Scott and I don't trust you, we do."

"It's just that after that last full moon," Scott begins to explain, but Liam cuts him off by assuring "It was one slip up."

"Slip up," Stiles says in disbelief, giving context as he says "A dozen calls to the sheriff's department about a monstrous dog boy running around the streets of Beacon Hills naked. That's a slip up?"

Noel helps Scott unchain Liam, whispering to the boy "Off the record, but I thought it was kinda funny. I was shocked we didn't find you with a stick hanging out of your mouth, or peeing on a fire hydrant or something."

"Why were you naked?" Scott asks, bewildered, as Liam defends that it was really hot out that night and asks again to be let go. After confirming that he's okay, Scott resumes unchaining him before walking away, as we see Liam's bloodied palms from where he's been digging in his claws.

At the sheriff's station, Parrish asks the sheriff why he's lost his trust, and the sheriff gives him a noise complaint case that Parrish goes to investigate.

Parrish hears rumbling in the walls of the house, and when he tries to free whoever's trapped inside, the wall begins to ooze black blood and an unidentified were-creature emerges. He has glowing claws and eyes, and when Parrish refuses to divulge information on Scott to him, he slashes down his claws and we cut to break.

The four boys are driving in the jeep, Noel and Liam in the backseat as Liam asks "Is it a party?"

"It is not a party," Stiles denies, Liam asking again excitedly "What's at midnight?"

"Your bedtime," Noel says from where he sits squinting at his phone, Liam asking him "Why aren't the girls going?"

"They're meeting us there, and just stop asking questions, alright? It's a senior thing, you'll know when you're a senior," Stiles says, much to Liam's disappointment.

Scott has been silent thus far, asking "Are you guys having trouble with your phones?"

Noel nods, about to speak when the jeep patters to a stop. Liam asks if they're out of gas, but Stiles is sure it's the alternator as he and Scott exit the jeep and check under the hood. Noel moves up into the driver's seat, as we see that the jeep is a mess of duct tape inside.

Stiles laments that he can't be sure everyone is there tonight on the last day of summer, but Scott assures him they'll make it as Noel calls out the window "Let me know when you want me to give it some gas, Stiles. You've got this."

Scott asks if they have any tools, Stiles holding up a roll of duct tape as we cut to Liam in the jeep.

He goes to pop in one of his earbuds when lightning strikes behind him, and he turns to investigate with a worried glance. He calls out to the other three as Noel says reassuringly "Sit tight, bud, we'll be out of here in a bit."

Another bolt strikes closer, Liam repeating himself more desperately. Stiles tells him to give them a second, but Noel turns to face him, asking "Liam, what's-"

Before he can finish, lightning strikes dangerously close to the jeep, and it sparks to life. Stiles and Scott turn to look with a jolt, as Noel holds his hands up innocently and Liam asks "Does this mean we can go now?"

The four drive off, and we watch as some people try to lift a tree that has been felled. Malia is one of them, and she shares a scene with her dad before the boys pull up to pick her up.

She greets Stiles with a kiss after he apologizes for being late, as Liam pops in from the backseat with a smile as he says "I'm sorry, too."

"You boys do remember I own a gun, right?" Mr. Tate asks, Stiles confirming "Vividly."

The boys all look at Malia where she sits in the middle back seat of the jeep, and when she asks what they're looking at her for, Stiles prompts "Did you find out yet?"

"Find out what?" Liam asks, as Malia assures them they'll email her. Liam asks her if this is about summer school, and Malia asks in a shocked voice "You told him?"

"Noel told Mason who told me," Liam corrects, as Malia turns to Noel and lets out a soft growl. Noel raises an eyebrow, asking "I thought you weren't growling at people anymore."

"All he told me was that you had to go to summer school because the principal said your test scores weren't good enough and you might have to repeat junior year," Liam says to diffuse, as Malia growls again at Noel.

Noel isn't afraid of her in the slightest, however, saying "You're the one that interrupted me spending time with Mason all summer asking for tutoring sessions. Why shouldn't I be honest with him? Plus, no one told him to tell Liam."

Stiles looks at Scott, then at Noel, noting "We should have left him chained to the tree."

Melissa has a solo scene at the McCall house where she reveals that Senior Scribe is happening at the high school, much to the delight of the man who asked Parrish where Scott is (who stands in the living room).

Kira has a scene with her parents on a stretch of highway, where a currently unnamed boy confirms with her that he doesn't have any cell service either.

The Yukimuras ask Kira about Senior Scribe, and then it starts to rain just when she resolves to walking. She hops back in the car, and we head to the hospital.

Liam tells Scott and Noel that his dad is helping perform a surgery and won't be out for hours, so he'll either hang out alone at the hospital or go with them. It's obvious which one he's more interested in.

Scott turns and faces him, Noel doing the same, as Scott requests "Show me your hands."

Liam and Noel both look at him, Liam looking nervous as he shows Scott the blood on his nails and palms. Noel instantly takes hold of Liam's hands, looking down at them as he says quietly "Oh, Liam..."

"Okay, so... So I'm still having trouble," Liam says, flexing his fingers in Noel's hold to show him the full extent of his injuries. Noel is examining them with concern and gentle touches, as Scott gives Liam a short few words of encouragement.

"No, you're still learning. What do you do to stay focused on not changing," he asks, as Noel finishes his inspection and takes a step back. Liam holds up his earbuds, lamenting that his method isn't working at the moment.

"It's working enough," Scott assures him, as Noel steps in. "Derek told us that you're one of the strongest betas he's ever seen at your age. Coming from him, that means a lot."

"And maybe it means that things are gonna be harder for you for a while, but it also means something else, doesn't it?" Scott asks as he steps into the elevator, Noel following while Liam stays put and watches them.

Liam asks if it means that [he's] really strong, as Scott confirms with a "hell yeah" and Liam smiles.

The elevator doors close, and when the boys step out, Stiles is waiting for them. Scott notes that he still can't get ahold of Kira, and Stiles asks if he reminded her about Senior Scribe.

Scott reveals that he and Kira haven't texted much since Kira went back to visit New York, when he told her not to worry and to have fun. Stiles says that that can be interpreted a lot of different ways, Noel rolling his eyes as they all approach Melissa behind her desk.

Stiles explains that it sounds like Scott was giving Kira permission to mess around with other guys in New York, and when Malia confirms that that's how she would interpret "don't worry have fun" in a text, Scott gets visibly nervous. Noel is the only one to deny their notion.

"No, you guys are just weird. If someone told me 'don't worry, have fun' when I was going somewhere far away, and I was part of this pack, I'd interpret it as 'don't worry about whatever crazy weird stuff might be happening here at home, go see your friends and be present with them.' Quit scaring him, he has nothing to worry about."

"Okay, well, you're not a girl," Malia bites back, as Noel asks with a laugh "You really think Kira has the same mindset as you over me? I have the perspective of a guy dating a girl and a guy dating a guy, believe me, I'm pretty knowledgeable on the topic of saying goodbyes and stupid implications. Are you forgetting how long I was with Derek Hale?"

"Please, Derek skipped town and you were sleeping with Mason a week later," Malia growls out, and Noel hisses back "I'm not sleeping with Mason! God, why do I even talk to you, you-"

Stiles, finally, steps in and puts himself between them. Noel knows when to back down, but he isn't happy as he turns heel and moves back over to Scott. Scott watches him, about to say something as a man is wheeled through the hallway.

"Mom, where's all this coming from?" he asks as Melissa rises to follow the stretcher, and she tells them there were some major pileups on the 115. Stiles notes that there's only one way into Beacon Hills from the airport, Scott confirming that that's via the 115.

Noel shakes his head, saying "Kira's never gonna make it."

"I can get her," Scott assures them, instructing that the three of them go to the school and meet up with Lydia.

"How are you gonna get to her in the middle of a traffic jam?" Stiles asks, Scott explaining with a simple "We'll make it. Trust me."

The sheriff talks with a kid named Donovan at the station, instructing his deputies to book him as he swears that the sheriff is gonna be dead for doing this to him.

At home, the magnets on Scott's fridge demagnetize and the clock freezes briefly before an intense earthquake starts.

Parrish sits in the house where he released the man, calling for help on his walkie. A hallucination of Lydia assures him she's there, touching the claw mark on his chest and moving in to kiss him just as the sheriff finds him and he passes out.

Melissa takes a look at Parrish at the hospital when he suddenly sits up with wild orange eyes and turns to face her and the sheriff. He insists they need to find Scott, as we return to the Yukimuras.

Noshiko tells Kira the story of the ghost riders, as a motor bike drives in and Scott picks Kira up from the middle of the traffic jam. They greet each other as Scott asks if she had fun in New York, and kisses her in relief when she says she didn't, not really.

Parrish describes the man that attacked him, theorizing that the man plans to steal Scott's true alpha power. Melissa and the sheriff deny, stating that it's impossible, but Parrish isn't so convinced.

Throughout this conversation, Liam eavesdrops before running off down the hall.

Kira and Scott beat the others to the school, where they share another kiss and the man shows up. He moves in to attack, just as we cut to commercial.

The other three finally arrive, checking their phones as Noel says "Nothing from Scott."

Malia agrees "Nothing from Kira."

Stiles finalizes "Nothing from Lydia."

Malia says she still doesn't know if she passed or not, as people walk through the rain with umbrellas in small groups. She says sadly that she doesn't want to do this if she's not actually a senior, and she goes up to Stiles and sniffs him.

He makes a noise of surprise, and when she asks what's wrong with him, she adds "You smell terrible."

"Malia," Noel hisses, giving her a 'what the hell' glance as Stiles explains "Yeah, it's called anxiety. Should be a familiar scent for you by now, since it's pretty much a constant state for me."

"Why is this thing so important to you," she asks, to which he denies "It's not. It's not, it's, uh..."

He pauses, looking at Noel, as he says "Well I dunno, maybe it is. I asked my dad the other day about his high school friends. Guess how many he still talks to? None. Not a single one. You know, these were his best friends, and he just says he lost touch with them. So, I started thinking about things, like I always do-"

"Obsessively," Malia supplies, and he continues "So I'm thinking what if... What if Scott and Noel are my best friends now, but they're not my best friends for life."

"Stiles," Noel says sympathetically, about to comfort his friend, when Malia asks bluntly "Well doesn't that just happen sometimes?"

"Yeah, but only because we let it happen," Stiles responds, continuing "That's what I'm saying, how come when we graduate we're just expected to go our separate ways? If I've already found the best people in my life, why aren't I not trying to just stay with them? Y'know?"

Noel watches and gives a sympathetic expression, walking between Stiles and Malia to give Stiles a hug. Stiles hesitates, but then his arms wind tightly around Noel, as the two embrace. Malia watches, asking "I thought that was the plan, the dream."

"The vision, don't mock the vision," Stiles says over Noel's shoulder, as the boy steps to stand beside Stiles with an arm still around his shoulders.

Malia quickly amends "I like the vision. Especially if I'm part of it."

Stiles gives one small nod, as Malia finally realizes his intentions. "That's why you wanted everyone here today. Cause you don't want to lose all your friends after senior year."

"And I hope they don't wanna lose me," Stiles finishes, looking to Malia and Noel. Malia moves in closer, and when she kisses Stiles, Noel moves his arm and takes a step away. Malia pulls away from the kiss after a bit, and announces "Someone's coming, someone fast."

"Yeah, it's-" Noel starts to say, when suddenly Malia turns, grabs the person, and slams them onto the ground.

"-Liam!" Noel says worriedly, bending down to help the boy stand back up. "Scott's in trouble!" Liam announces, as he stands, and we watch Scott fighting the man.

He asks Scott where his true power is, prompting that Scott show him the alpha who killed Deucalion and took down the Argents. The man makes quick work of both Scott and Kira, as he announces he didn't come just to claim Scott's status.

Suddenly, a werewolf appears in the distance with a growl, and when he rushes in we see that it's the (still not explicitly named) boy Kira had seen on the 115. His eyes shine yellow as he skillfully fights the man, allowing Scott to get his strength back until the man finally gets his claws into Scott's stomach.

The pack runs in too late, as Scott falls to the ground. He gets the upper hand back however, breaking the man's arm as he wrenches the claws out of his stomach.

The man watches him then looks over at the pack, seeing who's there as his eyes widen. He stares at one of the pack members, but we can't tell who, as the camera shows all four of them.

Scott tells him that he has a choice, to stay and be broken further or to run.

"I'd run," Stiles suggests, and the man listens, as the pack groups back up. They all turn to face the boy, who smiles and asks them "You don't remember me, do you? I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade."

"Hi, Theo," Noel greets with a smile, as Malia asks "You know him?"

"They used to," Theo amends, as he admits that he never thought he'd see them again.

"A couple months ago I heard of a new alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall, I just couldn't believe it," he explains. "Not just an alpha, but a true alpha."

Scott nods, asking him calmly "What do you want?"

"I came back to Beacon Hills. Back home with my family. Because I wanna be part of your pack," he explains, as we cut to black.

Everyone enters the school after the break, Stiles asking if Scott also thinks it's highly suspicious that they haven't seen Theo in years and he just happens to show up.

"I'm kinda more concerned about the guy who just tried to kill me," Scott says, as Malia's phone vibrates and she checks it. Everyone turns to look at her, as she says excitedly "I'm in! I passed."

Stiles hugs her as Scott and Kira share a smile, and we only see the back of Noel's head until Lydia says from down the hall "Thank God. Where have you guys been?"

Instantly, she and Noel share a hug, as she tells them "The whole senior class is here. Are we doing this or not?"

Everyone beams, and we see the library, as people take yearbooks down from a shelf. Noel takes the pen from the girl who was in line before him, about to put his initials on the shelf when something catches his eye.

On the shelf below, a big bold "D.H." sits, and we see Noel looking at it for a bit. He then takes his left hand and lays it beside the DH, thumb tracing the letters with his ring on display. He closes his eyes for a beat and then writes his initials, pausing when he's done and adding beside his own "VB" and "ER."

He then passes on the marker, and the pack takes turns, finishing with Scott signing "SM" as well as "AA."

"They would've been with us," Stiles says, looking back at the initials of their fallen friends. Noel smiles sadly, confirming "They still are."

They all descend the stairs as a group, fading out as we cut to the man from earlier.

He begs to be given another chance and more power, and when he's approached by figures in steampunk masks bearing swords, he begs "Wait, wait!"

"Your condition worsens," one of the figures says, but he continues "I'm okay. Give me another chance! I didn't even tell you what else I saw, who else was there!"

"You were supposed to remove the obstacles. Our time is limited. No second chances," the figure states clinically, drawing their sword.

"But I had him! I had Scott McCall, and I saw the other!" the man insists, begging for his life, assuring "I'll remove Scott McCall and I'll bring you Noel Whittemore, he was there, I swear, I'll-"

"No. Second. Chances," the figure insists, stabbing the man with his sword as crows fly out of his chest.

"No one saw him again, did they?" Aiden asks as we cut to Lydia in Eichen House, as she shakes her head no. He asks if that was the start of "it," further clarifying "The beginning of senior year? What happened after that, Lydia?"

Lydia leans away from where Aiden strokes her hair, saying softly "You're not Aiden... You're not real."

Aiden leans back, asking in a distorted voice "Tell me, Lydia."

He then turns into a man, who asks "Tell me what happened to them. What happened to your friends?"

"I... I don't remember," she whispers, as we see flashes of Liam and Scott fighting, Melissa slapping the sheriff, Kira getting into a car watched by Scott, Parrish walking out of flames with glowing orange eyes, Malia huddled up against rocks as a shadow approaches her, Stiles unconscious in an overturned jeep surrounded by flame, and finally, Noel on an operating table, screaming with tubes and wires and needles all around and inside him.

The doctor urges Lydia to remember, showing her a drill designed to penetrate the human skull and moving it toward her as the episode ends.
